Things to do around the rescue (13 items)

Last updated: over 13 years ago

To Do (13 left)

  • Its summer and very hot, so always make sure everyone has plenty of fresh water around throughout the day
  • Trixie is the red dog in the kitchen, please be careful she is not friendly with everyone
  • New dogs in enclosure behind Brutus, do not go near them. Kim will take care of them
  • New black dog in workshop near door, named Sweetness. Only Kim walks at this time
  • Some of the dogs need two feedings a day. Jan does the morning feedings and then preps the afternoon feedings. If you are working the afternoon rounds please do the second feeding. You will find bowls of food in the kitchen and workshop with dogs names on
  • If you see a dog dig a hole please fill the hole. Very important so people doing night rounds do not trip and fall in these holes, and get hurt.
  • We need to pooper scoop often to try and keep the flies down.
  • Zorro & Inaly enclosure needs to be pooper scooped, raked and hosed down often, as they attract flies easily.
  • Phelan needs to be watched when he is in the garden. He now knows how to jump out of the fence. Do not walk workshop when he is out.He willjump the fence to "play" with them.
  • Smileys puppies are now eating food. We need to hand feed them some of Smileys food that is soft from the water. Puppies will need three feedings a day. Be careful, smiley will try to steal their food, so try to keep her outside while feeding them.
  • Shaman and Jake are now being fed raw chicken
  • Who ever does the wolf dog feeding over the weekends please check the refrigerator to see if any chicken was left over from the previous day, use this chicken first then finish the feeding with the case of chicken Jan will take out to thaw and leave in th
  • Once you are done feeding please clean the area and blue tub where the chicken was with bleach water and then hose down. Please remember to take out another case of frozen chicken from the freezer and put in the blue tub to thaw for the next days feeding.