Things to do Summer 2011 (115 items)

Last updated: about 13 years ago

To Do (115 left)

  • Go to camp
  • Eat fries with ice-cream
  • Go on a roller-coaster 10 times in a row
  • Go to the beach when it's raining
  • Play beach volleyball
  • Prank Call
  • Drink 2L of pop in a day
  • Throw a party
  • Give someone a retarded sephora makeover
  • Make a decent amount and edible pancakes
  • Add a stranger on facebook and have a conversation (10 replies)
  • Go on the bus and middle finger someone from the window
  • Camwhore
  • Sneak out at midnight
  • Stay in a rapist corner for 20 minutes
  • Collect sand from two different beaches
  • Make a meal (appetizer, main course, dessert)
  • Ding, dong, ditch
  • Play a carnival game (playland works)
  • Hold a crab
  • Walk around with a candle doing the Mini wheat chant
  • Write a letter to someone
  • Do a cannonball
  • Perform a dance downtown with a hat to collect money
  • Make a sign saying honk if you're [insert word here]
  • Stay up for 48 hours straight.
  • Have a scavenger hunt
  • Water fight
  • Colour a whole colouring book
  • Movie Night
  • Go to a park late at night
  • Jump in a public fountain
  • Eat a large pizza in one night
  • Buy weird things from dollar store and take pics with them
  • Do the “Annoying Things To Do In Walmart” List.
  • Jump in your pool with clothes on.
  • Make a summery song playlist.
  • pick up the pennies in the fountain
  • Climb a tree
  • Hug a stranger
  • Make a collage (not on the computer)
  • Do a weird dance in public
  • Message a celebrity
  • Tell a guy you find hot he is cute (Must be a stranger)
  • Lie down in the middle of a street for 2 minutes straight
  • Do the grouse grind
  • Create a song about milk and perform it infront of strangers
  • Have a harry potter movie marathon
  • See a BC Lions game
  • Suntan
  • Hike
  • Go to pride parade
  • Make a pillow + blanket fort
  • Eat at Mcdonalds while wearing a dress
  • Buy a large drink for a dollar at mcdonalds
  • Run through a sprinkler
  • Go to the grocery store in your pj's
  • Write a journal entry
  • Read a book
  • Watch Monte Carlo
  • Go to a concert
  • Have one of those picnics with KFC
  • Make a slideshow
  • Dig a giant hole in the sand at a beach
  • Make homemade bread
  • Make cake pops
  • Go 12 hours without going inside
  • Get ice-cream from an ice-cream truck
  • Hide in a clothes rack
  • Walk down a busy street wearing a wig
  • Sleep outside under the stars
  • Camp in a tent
  • Make one of those one word at a time stories
  • Tie dye
  • Go a day without using any electricity
  • Make a sand sculpture
  • Run up a down escalator
  • Run down an up escalator
  • Boogie board
  • Do your nails and toes
  • Make a moody face bag
  • Make homemade play-doh
  • Blow bubbles
  • Go to a hair salon and get your hair done
  • Make a fake ID
  • Invent new drink
  • Get 5 new followers on tumblr/blog or 5 strangers on facebook
  • Sample ten different ice cream flavours at the gelato place
  • Eat pickles with peanut butter
  • Wear fake eyelashes
  • Eat IHOP at dinner
  • Give money to a hobo
  • Skinny dipping
  • Go to squamish waterfalls
  • Play a board game
  • Play a little kid game (eg hide and go seek, tag , etc)
  • Do yoga/meditate
  • Scrapbook
  • Go bowling
  • Make a video about Patrick and squidward
  • Go to 7/11 and get slurpies
  • Watch Jersey Shore
  • Indoor skydiving
  • Visit a lighthouse
  • BBQ
  • Draw in wet cement
  • Slip and slide
  • Stand on a rooftop
  • Watch fireworks
  • Invent a new type of pizza
  • Make a music video
  • Play hide and seek in a forest
  • Meet 2 new people.
  • Host an intervention
  • Make an evolution of dance remake