Bucket List (62 items)

Last updated: almost 13 years ago

To Do (52 left)

  • Go sky diving
  • Have a picnic in Central Park
  • Celebrate New Year's in Times Square
  • Go scuba diving
  • Swim with dolphins
  • Re-visit the Grand Canyon
  • Re-visit Yellowstone
  • Visit Yosemite Nat'l Park
  • Visit every state in the US (not just pass through)
  • >Alabama
  • >Alaska
  • >Arizona
  • >Arkansas
  • >California
  • >Colorado
  • >Connecticut
  • >Delaware
  • >Florida
  • >Georgia
  • >Hawaii
  • >Idaho
  • >Illinois
  • >Indiana
  • >Iowa
  • >Kansas
  • >Kentucky
  • >Louisiana
  • >Maine
  • >Maryland
  • >Massachusettes
  • >Michigan
  • >Minnesota
  • >Mississippi
  • >Missouri
  • >Montana
  • >Nebraska
  • >Nevada
  • >New Hampshire
  • >New Jersey
  • >New Mexico
  • >New York
  • >North Carolina
  • >North Dakota
  • >Ohio
  • >Oklahoma
  • >Oregon
  • >Pennsylvania
  • >Rhode Island
  • >South Carolina
  • >South Dakota
  • >Tennessee
  • >Texas
  • >Utah
  • >Vermont
  • >Virginia
  • >Washington
  • >West Virginia
  • >Wisconsin
  • >Wyoming
  • >*Washington D.C.
  • Run a 5k
  • Learn to play the guitar