top 100 things i hate (100 items)

Last updated: almost 13 years ago

To Do (100 left)

  • 100. pizza with sauce
  • 99. sauce
  • 98. people who hate flys
  • 97.spiders
  • 96.computers that are slow
  • 95. summer
  • 94. people who say yo momma jokes
  • 93. people who are bossy
  • 92. hypocrits
  • 91. secrets of narnia
  • 90. people who kill things
  • 89. poo
  • 88. math
  • 87. writing
  • 86. people who think being left handed is wierd
  • 85. people who talk on car trips
  • 84. anyone who thinks poo is funny
  • 83. vampires
  • 82. liers
  • 81. stealers
  • 80. cheaters
  • 79. earaches
  • 78. people who do not belive in werewolves and other creatures
  • 77. overprotective people
  • 76. being hungry
  • 75. football
  • 74. not having alone time
  • 73. critics
  • 72. money
  • 71. people who think priceless is the same thing as free
  • 70. james bond
  • 69. forgetting something
  • 68. daytime
  • 67. warm air blowing in my face
  • 66.being hot
  • 65. people who pinch your cheeks
  • 64. annoyingly smart people
  • 63. dangerously stupid people
  • 62. perfect people
  • 61. itches in spots you cant reach
  • 60. the word hanglider
  • 59. stalkers
  • 58. people who dont share
  • 57. mountain dew
  • 56. sprite
  • 55.babe ruth candy bar
  • 54. cavaties
  • 53. pineapples
  • 52. ads
  • 51. show offs
  • 50. hard questions
  • 49. easy questions
  • 48. lazy people
  • 47. history
  • the fruit not the bird
  • 45. people who think people with autism are special
  • 44. trolls
  • 43. embarassing moments
  • 42. potatos
  • 41. people who give up
  • 40. paint
  • 39. glue
  • 38. gooey stuff
  • 37. bugbites
  • 36. allergies
  • 35.asthma
  • eye
  • 33. noise
  • 32. light
  • 31. lady gaga
  • 30. lice
  • 29. bullys
  • 28. bullying
  • 27. cyberbullys
  • 26. cyberbullying
  • 25. secrets
  • 24. rumors
  • 23. gossip
  • 22. midfield in soccer
  • 20. lies
  • 19. newts
  • 18. blood
  • 17. hangnails
  • 16. ingrown toenails
  • 15. broke things
  • 14. black ops
  • 13. pretty little lyers
  • 12. dork dairy (copied dairy of the wimpy kid)
  • 11. fun houses
  • 10. tagslvaina
  • 9. mocking
  • 8. brusselsprouts
  • 7. the word crumpet
  • 6. typewritters
  • 5. rollercosters
  • 4. squares
  • 3. the number 6
  • 2. the number sextillion
  • 1. hunting