16th Wish List (19 items)

Last updated: almost 13 years ago

To Do (19 left)

  • • NOTHING PINK. I like dark bright blue a lot.
  • • I prefer nothing having like super bright colors, neutral and darks are good
  • • Giftcards: o Not clothing stores! I never end up using those o Starbucks o Basically food and drink places HAHA
  • • Shoe size: 7.5 o I kind of want those sandal looking shoes like http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SczghthqN-I/SfW5AKtYoEI/AAAAAAAAENA/mBoBkaOEZEc/s400/Beaded+Strap+Sandals-black:rainbow.jpg except I don’t like this beady design o__o I think the one with a giant
  • • I don’t want clothes my closet is full HAHA. o Well I guess I do want a cardigan, hoodie, sweatshirt/crewneck preferably not black
  • • Long necklaces without too much design
  • • No watches please I never end up wearing them
  • • I don’t have any piercings
  • • Hair accessories? :O Nothing too hard to use
  • • No make up please haha
  • • Cell Phone Straps: No preference, nothing too flashy and something that wont break too easily.
  • • Bags/Purses: I want those bags that have like a really long strap LOL. Nothing too fancy. Big/small no preference! But I would like one that I can use for like school haha. http://www.belladulcecreations.com/images/Purses/Green%20Fringe/Green%20Fringe%2
  • • Music (vocal) recording equipment o Microphone: http://media.photobucket.com/image/recording%20microphone/xxayemelissaxx/Microphone2.png something like this haha o Headphones?: http://headphonesguide.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/skullcandy_headphone_ti_t
  • • Unlimited supply of chocolate HAHHA
  • • Well I’ve never had an iAnything LOL. [like iPod iPad iTouch etc]
  • • Fancy camera  LOL. I’m historian for scioly so I really need one anyways. o http://cdn.slashgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/canon_eos_rebel_t2i_dslr_1-540x451.jpg
  • • I guess posters or CD’s of my favorite kpop bands/people/dramas LOL o Bands:  DBSK  SHINee o People:  Kim Hyun Joong  Jung Yong Hwa  Lee Min Ho o Dramas:  City Hunter  Heartstrings  49 Days  Secret Garden o Anime: Detective Conan HEHHE
  • • I like stuffed animals I guess, but those are so typical xD
  • • If all else fails, write me a long letter for me to read ^__^ I like those.