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Reading list - marketing & communication (35 items)
Last updated: over 12 years ago
To Do (26 left)
Life's a pitch - Stephen Bayley & Roger Mavity
The new normal - Peter Hinssen
Business Model Generation - Alexander Osterwalder
The tipping point - Malcolm Gladwell
Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
Group genius: the creative power of collaboration - Keith Sawyer
The fine art of success - Jamie Anderson
What would Google do? - Jeff Jarvis
Public Parts - Jeff Jarvis
It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be - Paul Arden
Het conversity model - Clo Willaerts
How cool brands stay hot - Joeri Van den Bergh
The conversation manager - Steven Van Belleghem
Media Morgen - Jo Caudron
Above the Fold. Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design - Brian Miller
Graphic thinking, beyond brainstorming - Ellen Lupton
The copy book - Taschen
The paradox of choice - Schwarz
From good to great - Jim Collins
The hidden persuaders - Vance Packard
Confessions of an advertising man - Ogilvy
A new brand world - Bedbury
The long tail - Chris Anderson
Communiceren in het new normal - Noël Slangen & Jan Withofs
Copy & concept - Bert Thobokholt, Barry De Waal & Martin Westbeek
Ik was een schaap - Jef Staes
Rework - Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson
Delivering happiness - Tony Hsieh
Linchpin - Seth Godin
Drive - Daniel H. Pink
The innovator's solution - Raynor Christensen
The economic revolution - Art Kristeven
The innovator's dillema - Clayton M. Christensen
Maak van je merk een held - Guillaume Vanderstighelen
Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard - Chip & Dan Heath