(owned by erich)
Hog's Mods Owners (66 items)
Last updated: over 13 years ago
To Do (66 left)
PIF Hog - ClayK
0 feeder-firhill
0VV Non Feeder Proto - Rockproof
1 Drottwiler (added by B with permission)
2 BiancaMontgomery (Retired. Mod name: Bluff)
3 lthaver
4 hairball (original owner was landlord)
5 BiancaMontgomery (gifted to Darkwitless)
6 mfraz25 (once owned by BiancaMontgomery )
7 SKYYcamel (but I had to sell it. Queen has it now)
8 old hippy- mod= Ayla" (original owner was trouble2k)
9 Doots
10 BiancaMontgomery (Mod name: My Precious)
11 otto (original owner cleolove)
12 grandmato5
13 pwyll
14 TBM
15 Grammie
16VV Feeder Proto - Rockproof
17 2mtech "Hamton"
18 db13berry
20 rtrain99 (original owners were BiancaMontgomery and trouble2k)
21 Adam024 (previously owned by Landlord)
22 TxParamedic
23 Cherewine (originally owned by Lynleestar)
24 aka "Violet" cleolove (original owner pchela ~ cleo finally stole her away!)
25 banjar
26 ZinniaBlaze
27 ime5000 (orignially owned byCherewine)
28 nester12 (original owner was GAC)
29 K*Rose
30 hairball
31vv Rockproof Feeder Prototype 2 (ORK-T Chip set)
32 MasonD
33 aka "Velvet" cleolove
34 pchela (mod name is Vi)
35 pringles13
36vv 2mtech "Wilbur"
37vv RIMP
38 VV coffm0
39 Cherewine
40 VV BiancaMontgomery (Mod name: Veruca)
41 SinCityAngel (original owner was MiXoLoGiSt)
42 Pickles05
44 trouble2k
46 db13berry
49 hot2trot
50 lrd3
52 DavidTop
53 Taniger - Misha
55 cherewine
56 erich
58 Slot-Tech
60 Washvap
61 kazz63758
63 old hippy-mod="Bianca"