Bucket List (31 items)

Last updated: almost 13 years ago

To Do (29 left)

  • To have an open honest conversation without anything emotionally or intellectually being blocked from being spoken.**
  • To be financially responsible for myself, and have a savings account
  • Ace an interview for a job I really want **
  • To be comfortable playing a social game I don't know that well **
  • Lose mebbe 50lbs by Summer 2012 (from 238lbs to 188lbs)
  • Recieve my Bachelors in Education by the Summer of 2013
  • Teach within a subject of my interest
  • To live in my own apartment all by myself
  • To make friends with a Spiritual or Religious leader I respect and trust
  • Work for a Civil, Social or other type of group that fights for people’s rights
  • To go to a nude beach, be naked most of the time there, and not care
  • To learn more about my heritages and create a book of info to pass on
  • To one day actually vote (for a candidate that I research and feel is qualified and would be a good representative of the people)
  • Find/ understand God and my place in the universe
  • Pick or design my own personal religion
  • To travel to other countries which I find interesting – India, Italy, Britain, Poland, Greece, Ireland…
  • Be part of a PTA meeting?
  • Invest in a company I support
  • Own my own business promoting good ideals
  • Own a boat, and know how to navigate it
  • Own a house that I design
  • To be part of a Quaker Meeting
  • To live in communities different from mine which I can learn from
  • Live in an Intentional Community Housing program at one point in my life
  • Visit an Ashram
  • To go to a Native American Powwow again
  • To Observe the school system and work ethics of the Amish
  • Not be afraid to have sex with a man
  • Have a sexual encounter with a woman (more than just kissing)
  • Have my own bank account (does having one with Daddy's name on it count? lol)
  • To be comfortable in a social setting where I do not know many people (DONE - Teana's housewarming)