Daily Action (78 items)

Last updated: over 12 years ago

To Do (74 left)

  • Eat breakfast every day (reoccurring)
  • A Walking schedule (reoccurring)
  • Kill your debit card
  • Making Christmas Presents
  • Adding Cinnamon to my Coffee (reoccurring)
  • Learn more about my goal
  • Create a Stair Walking Program (reoccurring)
  • Suspend my Facebook Account
  • Save change
  • Schedule a Physical
  • Treat Myself
  • More Efficient Blogging
  • Taper off coffee
  • Allow myself to make mistakes
  • Shop only once a week
  • Switch to Generic Cigarettes
  • Track my progress in photos
  • Drink 1 Liters of Water a Day (reoccurring)
  • Using Coupons
  • Reducing Vampire Power
  • Move gently through the world
  • Double my snowball payment
  • Eat one whole food a day (reoccurring)
  • Use daily affirmations (reoccurring)
  • Describe my perfect day
  • Daily Yoga (Reoccurring)
  • Organize my bill box
  • National Day of Service
  • Kill my Television
  • Protest SOPA
  • Double Savings Contribution
  • Clean out one thing a day (Reoccurring)
  • Talk about my goals
  • Buy Clothes that fit
  • Create a prudent reserve
  • Add another whole food to my diet (reoccurring)
  • Fuel my dream - watch Peru Videos
  • Update trip
  • Take the day off from blogging
  • Start a hiking journal
  • Open up my second savings account
  • No technology before bed
  • Eat seeds or nut each day (reoccurring)
  • Update my reoccurring list
  • Change banks
  • Start reading fiction again
  • Stop smoking in the house
  • Perfect my perfectionism :-)
  • Write letters
  • Track Body Fat
  • Pull credit score
  • Walk with a camera
  • Daily Meditation
  • Embrace who I am
  • Join America Saves
  • Ban the downstairs bathroom
  • Apply for a Consolidation loan
  • Eat at the Table (Reoccurring)
  • Research foods that affect IBS
  • Stop weighing myslef
  • Get an x-ray
  • Write a gratitude list
  • Buy my first Certificate of Deposit
  • Increase Snowball Payment
  • Make my house my home
  • Start a stair stepping challenge
  • Use an allowance
  • Dance every day
  • Spend money to save money
  • Set up my pedometer
  • Make my presentation
  • Start a walking challenge
  • Learn more about Machu Picchu
  • Boycott our convienience store
  • Create a menu
  • Submit a short story
  • Get breakfast suggestions
  • Plant my groceries