Books To Read (111 items)

Last updated: over 10 years ago

To Do (95 left)

  • --------------------------------------------
  • 10 Big Lies About America [Audiobook]
  • 5,000 Year Leap: The 28 Great Ideas that Changed the World by W. Cleon Skousen [Audiobook]
  • A Patriot's History of the United States
  • Anti-Slavery Opinions Before the Year 1800 by William Frederick Poole and George Buchanan (1799)
  • America in the Twentieth Century
  • After America by Mark Steyn (2011)
  • Being George Washington [Audiobook]
  • Broke by Glenn Beck [Audiobook]
  • Glenn Beck's American Revival Binder
  • Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
  • Decision Points by George W Bush
  • The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
  • Eighteen Sermons Preached by Rev George Whitefield (1763)
  • The Federalist Papers
  • Free To Choose by Milton & Rose Friedman
  • The Forgotten Man
  • The Koran, Commonly called The Alcoran of Mohammed Translation by George Sale (1734)
  • Lincoln's Constitution
  • The Looming Tower
  • They Thought They Were Free, The Germans 1933-1954 by Milton Mayer
  • Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith (1776)
  • Works of Bemjamin Franklin compiled by John Bigelow (1888)
  • -----------------------------------------
  • Ameritopia by Mark Levin
  • A Conservative History of the American Left
  • A. Lincoln by Ronald C. White Jr.
  • Arguing With Idiots by Glenn Beck [Audiobook]
  • Common Sense by Glenn Beck
  • Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius
  • Founding Faith
  • Guilty
  • Indoctrination U By David Horowitz
  • Infidel
  • Liberal Fascism
  • Liberty and Tyranny
  • Meeting at Potsdam
  • Stride Toward Freedom by Martin Luther King
  • Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years by S. Fred Singer
  • -----------------------------------------
  • 1491 New Revelations Of The Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann [audiobook]
  • 48 Liberal Lies About American History by Larry Schweikart
  • A History of Money and Banking in the United States by Murray N. Rothbard
  • A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Galatians by John Locke (1707)
  • A Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel by Pierre Bayle
  • A Synopsis of American History
  • A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume (1739)
  • A Treatise of The Whole Armour of God by William Gurnall
  • A Treatise on Theism, and on the Modern Skeptical Theories by Francis Wharton (1859)
  • An Appeal to the Religion, Justice and Humanity by William Wilberforce 1823
  • An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke (1690)
  • After America - Mark Steyn
  • America Alone by Mark Steyn [Audiobook]
  • Anti Chomsky Reader by Peter Collier and David Horowitz (2004)
  • Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears by Theda Perdue and Michael Green (Audiobook)
  • Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States by Benjamin Franklin Morris
  • Christianity's Impact On World Politics, Not by Might Nor Power by Kurt W. Jefferson (2002)
  • Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
  • Code of 1650 or The Ludlow Code [Compiled] by Roger Ludlow
  • Colored Patriots of the American Revolution by William Cooper Nell (1855)
  • Commentaries on the Laws of England by Sir William Blackstone
  • Democracy In America by Alexis De Tocqueville
  • Devil in the White City by Erik Larson (2003)
  • Elementary catechism on the Constitution of the United States by Arthur Joseph Stansbury
  • Elements of Law Natural and Politic by Thomas Hobbes
  • Essays on the Constitution of the United States Edited by Paul Leicester Ford (1788)
  • George Washington's Leadership Lessons by James C. Rees (1799)
  • Guardian of Every Other Right A Constitutional History of Property Rights by James W. Ely, Jr. (2008)
  • Inferno, All Hell Let Loose The World at War 1939-45 by Max Hastings, ( 2011)
  • History of Communism by Richard Pipes (Audiobook)
  • History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Momouth (1100 BC)
  • History of the United States by Noah Webster (1832)
  • In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson
  • Killing Lincoln by Bill O'Reilly
  • Known And Unknown by Donald Rumsfeld
  • Life of George Washington by John Marshall (1838)
  • Martin Luther, First Principles of the Reformation
  • Men in Black How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America by Mark R. Levin (Audiobook)
  • Of The Law Of Nature And Nations by Baron Samuel von Pufendorf
  • On Liberty by John Stuart Mills
  • On the Abolition of the Slave Trade by William Wilberforce 1807
  • On The Citizen by Thomas Hobbes
  • On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin (1859)
  • Outline of History by HG Wells (1922)
  • Pacificus Helvidius Debates by James Madison & Alexander Hamilton
  • Papers Of Thomas Jefferson Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph (1829)
  • Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades by Robert Spencer
  • Reagan Diaries (Audiobook)
  • Red Network by Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Dilling
  • Righteous Indignation, Excuse Me While I Save the World by Andrew Breitbart (Audiobook)
  • Right to Earn a Living by Timothy Sandefur
  • Spirit of Laws by Charles De Montesquieu
  • Summa contra Gentiles Book by Thomas Aquinas
  • Systematic Theology by Charles Hodges (1871)
  • They Thought They Were Free, The Germans 1933-1954 by Milton Mayer (1955)
  • This Glorious Struggle - George Washington's Revolutionary War Letters (1783)
  • Thomas Sowell Reader (2011)
  • Throw Them All Out by Peter Schweizer (2011)
  • Two Treatises of Government by John Locke
  • United States a Christian nation By David Josiah Brewer (1905)
  • Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington (1901)
  • Webster-Hayne Debate on the Nature of the Constitution (1830)
  • What's So Great About Christianity by Dinesh D'Souza
  • Winners Never Cheat by Jon Huntsman Sr.
  • Washington A Life by Ron Chernow (Audiobook)
  • World History, The Fertile Crescent to The American Revolution by Linwood Thompson (Audiobook)