Bucket List (29 items)

Last updated: over 12 years ago

To Do (22 left)

  • Travel to Australia
  • Travel to Great Britian
  • Travel to Brazil
  • Meet someone from "My Celebrity Circle" list
  • Be an extra in film
  • Get a dog
  • Ride in a helicopter
  • Move to the beach
  • Skydive
  • Go rock climbing
  • Buy a motorcycle
  • Climb the summit of Mt. Rainier
  • Run a 10k
  • Go marlin fishing
  • Surf in a storm
  • Backpack through Europe
  • Face your fear of snakes
  • Help end human trafficking
  • Travel to Belize
  • Travel up the West Coast
  • See the Northern Lights
  • Buy a gun
  • Travel extensively by train
  • Go on a cruise
  • Bungee jump
  • Scuba dive
  • Snorkel
  • Travel to every continent
  • See every ocean