101 Things Draft (110 items)

Last updated: about 12 years ago

To Do (91 left)

  • 102. Remember everything on the original 101 list
  • 1. Spend a whole months wage shopping spree
  • 2. Spend a night at the Opera
  • 3. Learn a different language
  • 4. Do something amazing for charity
  • 5. Run 5k
  • 6. Read a book a month for a whole year
  • 7. Cook a meal just from ingredients I've grown
  • 8. Have a vegetable patch
  • 9. Be extra nice at christmas (for charity)
  • 10. Send a present for no particular reason
  • 11. Make 100 Birthday Cakes
  • 12. See santa in lapland. Reindeer and all
  • 13. Spend a night at the Ballet
  • 14. Spend a night at the Theatre
  • 15. Take evening classses and learn something new
  • 16. Take a first aid course
  • 17. Finish an entire crossword
  • 18. Learn to play the piano - properly!
  • 19. Stay in the most expensive room of a hotel
  • 20. Go on safari
  • 21. Maintain a healthy weight
  • 22. Weekly shop in another country
  • 23. See the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)
  • 24. Get a Piercing
  • 25. Sell a whole load of unwanted items on ebay. Make profit
  • 26. Write a childrens book
  • 27. Go up in a hot air balloon
  • 28. Invent my own cocktail
  • 29. Watch the greatest films of all time
  • 30. Watch a Movie at a Drive-In Movie Theater
  • 31. Go on a luxury cruise
  • 32. Visit Disney Land/World
  • 33. Grow my own Christmas tree
  • 34. Get some letters after my name
  • 35. Visit New York City at Christmas time
  • 36. Go on an exotic island holiday
  • 37. See a Broadway musical
  • 38. Make homemade ice cream
  • 39. Make homemade Jam with home grown fruit
  • 40. Host a dinner party
  • 41. Try Blowing Glass and not melting body part(s) off
  • 42. Eat a Belgian Waffle in Belgium
  • 43. Make Homemade Pasta
  • 44. Make Vegan Marshmallows
  • 45. Visit... top 10 places
  • 46. Buy a house
  • 47. Get married
  • 48. Get a dog and keep it happy
  • 49. Continue my gene pool
  • 50. Eat myself silly in Germany
  • 51. Ride a gondola in Venice
  • 52. Donate a months wage to charity
  • 53. Take a cookery class
  • 54. Ride a horse
  • 55. Go dancing (this will require some lessons...)
  • 56. Graduate from University
  • 57. Learn to drive
  • 58. Go to a masquerade ball
  • 59. Sing something, somewhere
  • 60. Document completion of 101 things
  • 61. Sleep in a castle
  • 62. Learn to knit
  • 63. Break a world record
  • 64. Travel to Japan, put Japanese into Practice
  • 65. Solve a countdown conundrum
  • 66. Figure out 'whodunnit' on Scooby Do
  • 67. Fold 1,000 origami cranes and give them to someone
  • 68. Organise the mother of all picnics
  • 69. Be 'an expert'
  • 70. Build a snowman
  • 71. Read the greatest books ever written
  • 72. Take a photography course
  • 73. Have dinner in a Michelin star Restaurant
  • 74. Complete a colouring book
  • 75. Write a biro dry (this involves not losing one)
  • 76. Make a recipe book of my favourite foods
  • 77. Attend a murder mystery dinner
  • 78. Celebrate the new year in another country
  • 79. Make a rainy day book of crafts
  • 80. See the Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • 81. Pass with flying colours
  • 82. Day trip to London (See London Passport)
  • 83. Attend a comedy festival
  • 84. Volunteer 1000 hours
  • 85. Start some new and honour some old family traditions
  • 86. Have lunch in 26 places in the UK. Letters A-Z
  • 87. Have a tea party
  • 88. Make Lemonade
  • 89. Go to a Proper Burns' Night Celebration
  • 90. Try a new recipe every month
  • 91. Keep my room tidy for a month
  • 92. Be my Yoko Ono Starjumps
  • 93. Computer in toaster
  • 94. Contribute to an open source project
  • 95. Buy a car
  • 96. Ride in a monster truck (this one no longer seems as appealing ;/)
  • 97. Travel First Class
  • 98. Take a Week-Long Technology Hiatus
  • 99. Eat Outside My Comfort Zone
  • 100. Chocolate / Sweetie Factory Tour
  • 101. ??? I dont remember
  • 103. Complete 30 things before im 30
  • places - See a Performance at the Sydney Opera House
  • places - celebrate st pats in dublin, ireland
  • places - Visit Walt Disney World Resort
  • Take a Cooking Class
  • Travel Through the Channel Tunnel?
  • Visit the largest toy store in the world?
  • Sleep in a Hammock