(owned by 50359)
Role Models Wanted (6 items)
Last updated: almost 13 years ago
To Do (6 left)
Natalie Portman (actress) - Well rounded woman who is intelligent, beautiful, active in the community and talented.
SciGirls (television show) - Young girls exploring scientific ideas and activities.
Otep Shamaya (singer/songwriter/musician) - promotes activism, positive self-image, being yourself and speaking out.
Careergirls.org (website) - provides role models in careers for young girls. Portrays successful, smart women in a variety of career fields who share their passion and experience.
GCDmagazine.com (online magazine) - "Girls Can Do Anything" magazine supporting girls to "be real. be you."
Taylor Swift (songwriter/musician) - successful young musician who writes her own music, plays many instruments and has a respected reputation (so far!).