How To Be An Asian (23 items)

Last updated: about 12 years ago

To Do (23 left)

  • ----- Plan -------
  • Think about what Asians can do, and I can do.
  • Think about what Asians are good at, and I am good at.
  • Draw pictures to explain, or take a video of me doing something.
  • Lists out stuffs.
  • Write about it.
  • ------ Step by Step ------
  • 1. Have Asian parents.
  • 2. Learn things under Asian influence.
  • 3. Learn how to play instruments.
  • 4. Learn about math and science.
  • 5. Learn to use computer.
  • 6. Now, do good at everything above. Good isn't enough, but it will do.
  • 7. Violin, Piano, and Computer gaming.
  • 8. Have a secret that no one knows, but it's something really good.
  • 9. Be modest, and learn manner. Respect your elders.
  • 10. Become a doctor, or an engineer.
  • 11. Become a rich.
  • 12. Teach your childrens, so people in your country won't say, "YOU RACK DISIPRINE."
  • -----New Plan----
  • Violin and Piano
  • Explain, how to play it and what is neccessary.
  • Background information?