My Dreams List (1st class dreams) (29 items)

Last updated: about 12 years ago

To Do (29 left)

  • Surf, Just for once in my life I want to surf.. It must be an amazing feeling to do that and I don't want to mess out on it.
  • Learn how to play tennis.. Always liked tennis, & I think it's a great sport.
  • Bunjee Jump.. I really don't know If I'm gonna be scared or not but I would like to find out.
  • Sky Dive, this one probably depends on the (Bunjee Jumping) thing..
  • Climb a mountain(not necessarly high)
  • Scuba Dive, I think Documentaries about the sea & the ocean are boring.. but I believe It's an amazing experience If you're deep in there.
  • Go to Niagra Falls..
  • Visit the Empire State Building.
  • Spend a day shopping in london.
  • Spend a day shopping in New York.
  • Visit Qasr Al-Hamra'a in Spain.
  • Visit Santiago Bernabeu stadium.
  • Aprende EspaƱol.
  • Attend a grand slam Tennis tournament.
  • Go to Australia..
  • Visit Jeju Island.
  • Become Rich.
  • Make my own library/bookstore.
  • Make my own gym with my favorite sports.
  • Have my own king size swimming pool.
  • Swim with a dolphine.
  • Hire someone to cook for me.
  • I would really like to go to space.. but I'm afraid of not coming back.
  • Have my own beach house or farm.. IDK still confused.
  • Write a best-selling book.
  • Get a Pilot's License.
  • Buy a private jet.
  • Ride a helicopter.
  • Ride an elephant.