Simone (44 items)

Last updated: about 12 years ago

To Do (39 left)

  • 1. Have a paint fight
  • 2. New wardrobe
  • 3. Chronicle a whole day in pictures
  • 4. Wear a dress in public, whole day (dont laugh)
  • 5. Have a summer fling
  • 6. Go to six flags a lot
  • 7. Get numbers from Jones people (Alex and Stevie dont count)
  • 8. Have a movie night with the gilrs
  • 9. Have a scavenger hunt sleepover (Safiya creds)
  • 10. Make a good first impression
  • 11. Go to flattop for my birthday
  • 12. Get asked for my digits'
  • 13. Spa Day
  • 14. Talk in an accent to everyone I see for a day
  • 15. Hang out at lest ONCE with everyone I want to.
  • 16. Become more secure before HS
  • 17. Have a High School MUsical marathon before hs;)
  • 18. Ha ve a super romantic awesome date
  • 19. Go to tons of carnivals
  • 20. Have a "me" day
  • 21. Make some music videos with my gals
  • 22. Film a movie
  • 23. Make a great friend at Brown
  • 24.Skype with my friends while I'm at Brown (Emmi and Safiya that means you)
  • 25. Find a hot guy at Brown
  • 26. Have a kick ass birthday and party
  • 27. Get a fake belly button ring
  • 28. Try something new, everyday
  • 29. Have my garden be awesome!!
  • 30.Finish the novel by june 30th
  • 32. Watch a sunrise and sunset with people who matter
  • 33.Start runnig more
  • 34. Go to a sit down breakfast place with a friend
  • 35. Go to FlatTop more!!!
  • 36. FINALLY take good pictures of myself
  • 37. Have someone win me something at a carnival
  • 38. Do the things I liked from TipJunkie
  • 39. Write myself a couple letters with HONEST first impressions at Jones
  • 40. Go to the Drive in movie theater (Cascade Drive AIN)
  • 41. Make Tan Tattoos
  • 42. participate in the Teen2Adult week 2012
  • 43. Be able to go a week without Sue or Jade
  • 44.The plan with Emilyyyy