Sofia  (41 items)

Last updated: almost 12 years ago

To Do (4 left)

  • Clear(er) Skin
  • Stay out all night
  • Sleepovers all the timeee<3
  • Start some sort of athletic thing
  • Eat better
  • Get to know people I know that are going to Jones better, if possible
  • New wardrobe
  • Seriously STOP being so nervous
  • Do things for myself for a change
  • Be able to freaking touch my toes
  • Admit things to myself
  • Meet Mo with SAFIYAA
  • Make music videoss
  • Don't regret not being friends with Emilia
  • Change my hair color
  • Go to at least one concert
  • Tell people what I really wanted to tell them all year @ graduation
  • Not spend a single day moping around alone
  • Grow my hair out as long as possible
  • Go on some ferris wheel
  • Watch the Perseids Meteor Shower (August 12 @ 10:30)
  • Watch the sunset with someone who matters to me
  • Make a really unexpected friend
  • Ask a stranger for their number
  • Get HENNAA
  • Go over to someone's for breakfast
  • Stay out in the rain with someone
  • Go to the beach one last time
  • Go on someone's roof
  • Have a good time in Paris :):)
  • Make this Friday amazing (well it mostly was)
  • Fix that one friendship soon
  • Start fresh this summer <3
  • Stop regretting Sam
  • do that one thing (/figured out)
  • have a good birthday.
  • Make friends from Jones
  • Have an amazingly spectacular last day of summer