Jenny (33 items)

Last updated: over 12 years ago

To Do (32 left)

  • get super tan
  • grow my hair out and henna it so i can "be" ariel at payton
  • keep my eating habits in check
  • get back into reading more often
  • learn to love my body
  • perfect my baking swag
  • perfect my photography swag
  • ...just get more swag (x
  • get Nik back
  • ^ if not, then get over him and find someone 10 times better
  • gain more trust and independence from my parents
  • run everyday
  • be more chill
  • make tons of ah-mazing friends at payton
  • try to diminish my disgusting eating-ketchup-out-of-the-bottle habit
  • stop biting my nails
  • go to tons of concerts
  • sneak into lollapalooza the days that jack white and metric are performing
  • shopshopshop
  • start a youtube channel with ayo
  • get back into writing songs
  • find great new bands to enjoy
  • eat less processed junk
  • become more artsy
  • get whiter teeth!
  • completely re-do my room
  • appreciate my grandmother more for the wonderful person she is
  • stop caring so much about other people's opinions of me
  • just live and breath and be genuinely happy
  • not put up with the crap people may give me
  • actually complete all of these xD
  • stop paying so much attention to calories
  • use the computer less