Relationships: A Personal Call to Action (9 items)

Last updated: about 12 years ago

To Do (9 left)

  • Create an MS-free zone to enjoy time with family and friends.
  • Identify at least three new recreational or travel activities or hobbies I would like to try and invite family and friends to join me. I will try at least one over the next six months.
  • Evaluate my support system – do I have the right people on my team?
  • Join a National MS Society self-help group or other peer-to-peer networking group.
  • Make new friends. Volunteer with the National MS Society or other organizations that are important to me. Ask others in my support community to join in.
  • Identify new ways to stay connected with family and friends.
  • Visit to learn more about managing my relationships.
  • Visit and join the conversation.
  • Call 1-800-344-4867 to learn more about National MS Society programs and services available to me and my family and friends.