30 Things to do before im 30 (30 items)

Last updated: over 11 years ago

To Do (22 left)

  • 1 - Have a weekend without children (done July 2012)
  • 2 - Go to the snow and learn to ski
  • 3 - Travel Overseas
  • 4 - Start to study Midwifery
  • 5 - Get third tattoo (feb 2013)
  • 6 - Get infant resus cert
  • 7 - Give up coke(July 2012)
  • 8 - Participate in a book club
  • 9 - Swim naked in the sea under a full moon
  • 10 - See Ani DiFranco
  • 11 - Attend birth with Lisa Barrett
  • 12 - Read a book in 1 sitting
  • 13 - make chai from scratch
  • 14 - dye my dreads
  • 15 - go back to byron bay
  • 16 - Start birth Journal (done september 2012)
  • 17 - drink a $250 bottle of wine
  • 18 - learn to reverse parallel ( DONE - June 2012 )
  • 19 - Learn how to surf (again)
  • 20 - Pick Berries
  • 21 - Learn to bellydance
  • 22 - Take 365 photos of grateful things
  • 23 - win something AWESOME! (Mia Dyson and Jen Cloher Show September)
  • 24 - have 24 hours ALL by myself in nature
  • 25 - poi on the beach
  • 26 - Read 100 books in 1 year
  • 27 - Grow something edible (august 2012 herb garden)
  • 28 - Start a Art diary (done august)
  • 29 - Attend 100 births ( or More, would love 150)
  • 30 - Celebrate my 30th!!!!!