(owned by Amy)
Baby gear (29 items)
Last updated: about 12 years ago
To Do (17 left)
mini co-sleeper plush sheets: http://www.armsreach.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3_18_2&products_id=97
baby monitor: http://www.amazon.com/VTech-Communications-Sound-Digital-Monitor/dp/B007NG5UF4/ref=sr_1_6?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1360553393&sr=1-6&keywords=baby+sound+monitor
Organic mattress for co-sleeper: http://www.amazon.com/Natural-covered-Porta-crib-Sleepers-Playards/dp/B008VVWP8A/ref=sr_1_14?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1353902100&sr=1-14&keywords=organic+mini+co+sleeper+mattress
ergo teething pads: http://store.ergobaby.com/Lifestyle_Accessories/Teething_Pad
Breastfeeding pillow: http://www.target.com/p/my-brest-friend-nursing-pillow-fireworks/-/A-13641897
baby thermometer
Kissaluvs hybrid diapers (5 total, so will put each down seperately): http://www.kissaluvs.com/hybrid_contours.php
Kissaluvs hybrid diapers (5 total, so will put each down seperately): http://www.kissaluvs.com/hybrid_contours.php
Kissaluvs hybrid diapers (5 total, so will put each down seperately): http://www.kissaluvs.com/hybrid_contours.php
Kissaluvs hybrid diapers (5 total, so will put each down seperately): http://www.kissaluvs.com/hybrid_contours.php
Imagine Indian Prefold diapers (or the bamboo ones): I would like 3 dozen of these unbleached, (will put each dozen up seperately so can check off how many get): http://www.nickisdiapers.com/imagine-smartfit-bamboo-prefold-diapers-dozen.html
BABYBJĂ–RN BabySitter Wooden Toy (goes w/ the baby bouncer)
Imagine Indian Prefold diapers medium size (or the bamboo ones): I would like 3 dozen of these unbleached, (will put each dozen up seperately so can check off how many get): http://www.nickisdiapers.com/imagine-smartfit-bamboo-prefold-diapers-dozen.html
Sweet Pea Diaper covers (total of 3, will put each up seperately so can check off how many getting): http://www.kissedbythemoon.com/Sweet-Pea-One-Size-Diaper-Cover.html
Sweet Pea Diaper covers (total of 3, will put each up seperately so can check off how many getting): http://www.kissedbythemoon.com/Sweet-Pea-One-Size-Diaper-Cover.html
Sweet Pea Diaper covers (total of 3, will put each up seperately so can check off how many getting): http://www.kissedbythemoon.com/Sweet-Pea-One-Size-Diaper-Cover.html
Mobile (since you can pick the colors, keep in mind my favorite colors are purple and green): http://www.etsy.com/listing/115388458/owl-mobile-woodland-nursery-baby-mobile?ref=sr_gallery_9&ga_search_query=owl+mobile&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_
Bike trailer: either Burley Bee or InStep Quick N EZ Bicycle Trailer
Children's book: The Sun in my belly by sister susan
Newborn compostable throw away diapers Unbleached: such as from 7th generation
Children's book: Each breath a smile by Sister Thuc Nghiem and Thich Nhat Hanh
Children's book: Each breath a smile by Sister Thuc Nghiem and Thich Nhat Hanh
Child's Mind: Mindfulness Practices to Help Our Children Be More Focused, Calm, and Relaxed by Christopher Willard
Child's Mind: Mindfulness Practices to Help Our Children Be More Focused, Calm, and Relaxed by Christopher Willard
Gift Certificate to Zenana Spa and Wellness Center (well, that is more for me, but they do prenatal massage, so it would be for Opal and I): http://www.zenana-spa.com/services/spa/
Wild Carrot Herbals goo goo baby bum balm: http://www.wildcarrotherbals.com/store/baby-carrot/goo-goo-baby-bum-balm/
Children's book: Each breath a smile by Sister Thuc Nghiem and Thich Nhat Hanh
Breastfeeding shawl: http://bizzybabee.com/main/plum-wrap/
Bumbo chair! http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0099PLICQ/ref=mw_dp_img?is=l&qid=1362250080&sr=1-8