100 facts (100 items)

Last updated: almost 12 years ago

To Do (100 left)

  • I cannot dance at all
  • Sailor moon was my first anime
  • I am a girl
  • The fanfiction i read is read to me by balabolka.
  • I use mmd
  • I am a pegisaster or a female brony whatever you want to call it i do not mind
  • I am Korean
  • I am also shy when it comes to noting people for passwords for mmd models
  • I have a crush on slendermen
  • I get bored really fast
  • I do not like shopping in general
  • I am afraid of speaking to popular mmd people or popular people in general
  • I am not into fashion
  • I never wear make up
  • I like learning languages
  • I am really forgetful
  • I like spicy and hot food
  • I get lost easily
  • I like join.me watching
  • my last name means lamb
  • I do not have that much social media websites
  • I do not have creativity on most of my pictures
  • I do not like naming things
  • I stay on my computer for a long time
  • I use lat a lot
  • I use animsa a lot
  • i ship a lot of couples
  • I have a crunchyroll
  • I do not like taking parts from other models unless it is deafult lat miku, or ula rin and teto.
  • I do not have pants in my wardrobe.
  • I am afraid of blood
  • I love learning about memes
  • I always spell enteral (eternal) wrong
  • I listen to more j-pop then k-pop, even though i am Korean
  • My playlist on random always play sad songs first then happy (i do not see why it does that it is on shuffle/random)
  • I have a fear of animals
  • I used to do traced lineart and glitter images before doing mmd
  • I do not like going to school (but i still go after all i have a rep to keep)
  • I am a goody goody
  • I am afraid of the unknown
  • I usually listen to more old school songs then modern (groove over does and kim tae woo is the best)
  • I cry to taeyang's wedding dress ever time it plays
  • I dream about my favorite couples most of the time.
  • I listen to the same song (or videos that doesn't have songs on it but just talking) on repeat for seven or more hours straight (sometimes for no reason at all)
  • I enjoy Korean drama but i hate real drama around the world
  • I do not listen to politics that much
  • I have a big listen of images to do on mmd.
  • i collab with yuki a lot
  • i do not judge people
  • I am a good guesser
  • I have a great relationship with my mom
  • I am not a good teacher
  • I like to hep my friends if it is easy and if i can do it
  • i am a visual learner
  • I am still a beginner when it comes to editing things
  • I enjoy doing pose practicing with images
  • my mind runs while listening to songs sometimes
  • I like making trace backgrounds even though they might be bad sometimes
  • I do not like testing new effects even though i should open myself to new ones
  • I used to do utau
  • I have a YouTube account
  • my eyes are brown
  • My hair is black
  • I forget my passwords and usernames all the time on other websites
  • I have a fanfiction account but no fanfiction i wrote before
  • I write summaries of my stories i dream about
  • I have a lot of stuff animals
  • i like watching/listening to multilanguage videos
  • I find singers that know multiple language really cool (its really cool when they can do them back to back on the same song)
  • I do not like remixes that much (however there are some exceptions)
  • I listen to holiday songs even if it is not even close to the holiday (while writing this fact i am listen to Rudolph the red nose reindeer)
  • I do not celebrate that much American holiday
  • I love sweets
  • I watch cooking videos even though i do not cook (right now I am watching diet ice cream video by nicko)
  • I am picky when it comes to fruits and vegetables
  • I eat a lot of rice (then again this could just be because of the Korean influence)
  • I have a heart shaped computer burn on my right leg (yeah the facts are getting weird)
  • I use spell checker a lot
  • I find Disney shows interesting
  • i believe in a lot of Korean superstitions
  • I always wanted a guy's 2nd button on his uniform (trust me this is not weird)
  • I am forever alone on black day (this is a real holiday in Korea so do not think it is sometime else) just search what it is
  • i like saying the word pepero
  • i hate Asian stereotypes (or any stereotypes in general)
  • i love learning new things about mmd
  • i like to read feedback messages
  • I do not want to be popular
  • I wonder sometimes why i have a lot of page views and watchers
  • I keep an open mind in anything and everything
  • i only do private join.me's with my friends
  • The most important people in my life are family and friends
  • I did not do all the things i wanted to do in my summer
  • I am not a good topic starter
  • I repost of my pictures on crunchyroll just for fun.
  • I like red and all but i like blue even more YEAH reference time because i cannot think anymore
  • I do not like sharp things
  • I never went to a party
  • I do not have a phone
  • I like calling people oppa and eonni if i care deeply about them
  • i say a lot of Korean words at random times.