book idea's/ Plot (38 items)

Last updated: almost 12 years ago

To Do (36 left)

  • A girl called Linx Fell From the sky, she is a fallen angel as linx falls she forgets that the angels bestowed in her a demon saying that it was her punishment.
  • ...
  • ...
  • she is a monster and has a jinjuriki in her but it isn't one of tales, it is one of death,
  • with it in her she has markings over her body; the one on her wrist and on her hip. even though she has one on her back it is because she is a fallen angel, though that will come later when she reveals them in the chunin exams...
  • she meets naruto when she first goes to the academy, and she ignores him no matter how much people try to befriend her as she is scared that they will hate her because of what is inside of her, "jinjuriki"
  • soon though she understands what naruto is and starts to warm up to him,
  • Team 2 goes on a mission where linx befriends a wolf who's name is kira and they pair up- like akamaru and kiba... forever together.
  • she is stuck in a group of team 2 with a bunch of perv's and they tick her off and attacks them... she realised what she did and runs away, naruto finds her and she explain's how much of a monster she is and he tells her his background; that everyone shun
  • she shows naruto the scars and explains she is going to be forever alone but he disagrees saying that all she needs to do is warm up to people and they will like her and she hasn't got a dad, so she goes eat ramen with naruto... and they are friends
  • people in group 2 are shocked when they see her hang out with naruto and teese her, she gets angry again and she cant controls the monster within her but before she can kill them naruto comes along and brings her back to reality,
  • she is stuck on team 2 with nobody's.
  • but she carries on and goes ahead,
  • angels were sent down from heaven to take her away from her new friends and village the people found her and tried to attack her and she got wounded she was defenseless and about to die a burst of sand came and killed them.
  • she met gaara in all his wonderful pissed off mood... :))
  • before the chuin exams started she met him as she was sitting on her roof and talked about their past,
  • she feels for gaara as he had the same past as her,
  • he asks her why was there scars on her arms and legs and she tells him,
  • and gaara explained that his dad tried to kill him multiple times,
  • and she feels sorry for him and hugs him...
  • the next day she sees gaara in the exam she cheats by using her jutsu to see everything in the room, she reads the answers from gaara :)) and notices he uses a sand eye
  • goes into forest used angel envy to get a scroll and doesn't get a mark on her,
  • she helps naruto, and gets a scroll
  • preliminary rounds she goes against a sound ninja shows her wings and people are shocked and Linx uses her powers and he quits,
  • then there is a surprise that the people with the least damage have 2 matches,
  • Linx has to go up against gaara...
  • and they battle,... you know the scene where she flies and was about to drench his sand,
  • he is angry but defenseless she hears the sound of kunais coming towards him,
  • linx wraps her wings around him and saves him, protecting gaara with the move hidden guardian
  • gaara is shocked that linx was saving his life
  • and she gets pissed off that the men were the angels from heaven her demon takes control and kills them and lights them up,
  • people watches shocked
  • they both go through,
  • and in the end of the rest of chunin exams they become friends and protectors
  • though soon secrets are reveled, sakura asks who she likes and she admits its gaara... not sasuke, if your wondering... she tells sakura not to tell him
  • life goes on...
  • The End...
  • kinda...