(owned by 57672)
Bucket List (111 items)
Last updated: over 12 years ago
To Do (96 left)
Get shitfaced
Get a matching tattoo with someone I love
Kiss in the rain
Sleep in the back of a pick up truck
Feel comfortable with the way I look for once
Stay clean through highschool (drugs atleast)
Let go of boys.
Be a lesbian for a day.
Or forever
Say "I love you" to someone and mean it
Be nice to people I don't like
Get over stage fright
See a great concert
First kiss.
Go to Paris
Kiss a frenchie ;)
Go all Carrie Underwood if someone cheats on me
Live in England
Live in Ireland
Become a teacher
Make someone smile every day
Punch Noah.
Tie-dye a tshirt
Actually kick Noah in the ballsack.
Stay off twitter for a week
Keep promises
Meet someone who actually cares about me.
Get first honors every semester of highschool
Go to school in the East Coast. Or Kentucky.
Roommate with my best friend.
Be happy in general
Spend a weekend with my grandma
Pray for my grandma every day
Make new friends but keep the old.
Write a song.
Actually try in soccer.
Meet Hunter Hayes
Look in the mirror and see what makes me beautiful.
Look in the mirror and don't point out my flaws.
Pull an all nighter
Get my license.
Throw a party
Buy cherry chapstick then kiss a girl just to try it
Watch every Nicholas Sparks movie
High School Musical marathon
Get over my fear of spiders.
Get a project done ahead of time.
Bake a cake with my grandma.
Watch Honey Boo Boo for 24 hours straight.
Actually do my PT exercises.
Find a guy who calls me beautiful not hot.
Feel comfortable in a bikini.
Work out every day.
Do yoga every morning.
Drink tea over coffee
Keep my best friend for the rest of my life.
Get my shoulder to stop hurting!
Swim in every ocean.
Go skinny dipping.
Get off my meds and stay off.
Never take a blade to my skin, ever.
Go some place public without makeup.
Not feel like I have to hide my face.
Go to a Jesse McCartney concert
See the JoBros
See Justin Bieber
Change my email to bieberluvie
Let go of trust issues.
Go to Italy
Roadtrip when I turn 18
Go to a drive in movie.
Quit socccer.
Spend a whole day watching old family films
Motivate someone to be a better person
Survive a hangover
Make music videos with a friend.
Focus on the positives
Go on a mission trip every year
Change someones life
Help kids in Africa.
Visit a real southern honkeytonk
Be my sisters maid of honor
Have a one night stand.
Not worry so much.
Not change for other people to like me.
Write forever on my converse.
Make a pair of shoes for someone
Wear yoga pants. Show off my ass.
Forgive but never forget
Go up to a group of black guys and ask if they're Luis
Marry Michael Mueller on facebook.
Find a pair of jeans that fit me.
Eat healthy for a week
Burn Billy's t-shirt.
Get a boy's sweatshirt.
Go home smelling like someone's cologne.
Not be afraid to take risks.
Overcome my fear of penises. HAHAHA
Oral. BJs. Spitters are quitters.
Accept someone trying to protect me.
Go a week without making someone (or myself) angry
Help my sister become more confident
Put others before myself
Memorize a rap.
See my sister get married to a great guy.
Anything else that comes up and sounds fun.