(owned by Bill Kidd)
Home Tasks (32 items)
Last updated: over 12 years ago
To Do (32 left)
Water system for veggie garden
Plant veggies
More herbs
Clean pool
Pool safety fence
Weed flower garden
Water system for flower garden
Slash paddocks
Weeds - blackberry etc
Electric fence to horse paddock
Pizza oven
Top dress lawn
Clean panel for workhop roof
Capture all water from chookshed roof (better gutters, another tank)
Bury all polypipe
Granny flat
Paint house
Heater for house
Insulate house
Solar panels
Retaining wall at front
Pig sty
Sue the Mansfields
Computer backup for music and photos
Home network
Office for Marys computer
Fire plan
Spending plan for next year
Plumbing - URGENT