(owned by Christina)
Before using social media in my class, have I . . . (10 items)
Last updated: over 12 years ago
To Do (10 left)
Determined how my school community feels about the use of technology in the classroom?
Looked at the school and district policy for online use in the class?
Made sure that I am aware of how to use the tool I decide to use?
Decided how I am going to evaluate students while using this social media tool?
Determined how I am going to fit this into the curriculum?
Taught my students about what it means to be a responsible digital citizen?
Thought about the different learning styles in my classroom and how they will accept or refute the use of social media in the classroom?
Created or informed the students about the acceptable use policy?
Stressed the importance of privacy on the internet, and gone over cyberbullying?
Decided to use a tool that is useful and engaging? Or useless and boring?