(owned by Tammy)
Christmas 2012 (12 items)
Last updated: over 11 years ago
To Do (12 left)
West Wing Season 4
"Merry Christmas Alex Cross" by James Patterson
Amazon: Kindle Fire ($159)/ Kindle Fire HD ($199) or Barnes and Noble Nook HD ($199)
white Dodgers hat
refills for my sticker maker! (Xyron create-a-sticker 2.5" permanent refill)
Grey hoodie (women's large)
Pie weights
Garlic press
Desk Calendar: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/2013-impressionists-engagement-calendar-ziga-media-llc/1108949778
"Theodore Boone: The Accused" by John Grisham
Neoprene laptop sleeve/case (my laptop is 10.30 x 12.30 x 1.35 inches)
Christmas frog pin! http://www.etsy.com/listing/106682125/vintage-skiing-frog-jj-jonette-christmas?ref=sr_gallery_42&ga_search_query=christmas+frog&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_page=5&ga_search_type=all