April Client Newsletter (70 items)

Last updated: over 11 years ago

To Do (2 left)

  • (BODY COPY) Information is accurate, targeted, relevant, timely
  • (BODY COPY) Copy is clear and concise
  • (BODY COPY) All relevant event/contact details and information have been included
  • (BODY COPY) Date, time, day, time zone are correct for all listed event(s)
  • (BODY COPY) Main call to action is clear and mentioned at least once
  • (BODY COPY) Free from all typos/misspellings
  • (BODY COPY) Been reviewed by minimum 2 people for grammar
  • (BODY COPY) First paragraph compels readers to read the second
  • (BODY COPY) Everything is linked that should be linked
  • (BODY COPY) EVERY link has been clicked
  • (BODY COPY) EVERY link works
  • (BODY COPY) EVERY link goes to the correct page
  • (BODY COPY) Signature matches “from” information
  • (BODY COPY) Name, title, company, phone, email in signature are correct
  • (WEBINAR) Date, time, day, time zone are listed and correct
  • (WEBINAR) Date, time, day, time zone match EVERYWHERE on the email AND associated landing page (header, CTA buttons, body copy, etc.)
  • (DYNAMIC CONTENT) Any personalization includes default ‘fall-back’ value for when personalized data is missing
  • (DYNAMIC CONTENT) Content codes fill in correctly
  • (DYNAMIC CONTENT) Check the {{V.CARD}} displays the proper name
  • (DYNAMIC CONTENT) Check the proper image displays per segment
  • (ADDRESS BAR) Going to correct list(s)
  • (ADDRESS BAR) "From" the correct person
  • (ADDRESS BAR) Correct "From" email address (no "info@acme.com" or "donotreply@acme.com")
  • (ADDRESS BAR) "From" name displays correctly in address bar (ie Jane Smith)
  • (SUBJECT LINE) No misspellings/typos
  • (SUBJECT LINE) Concise, compelling and straightforward
  • (SUBJECT LINE) Right length (5-8 words, 40 characters including spaces)
  • (SUBJECT LINE) Most important words are mentioned first
  • (SUBJECT LINE) Does not include any "spam" words, excessive capitalization, etc.
  • (SCHEDULED SEND) Going out at correct time
  • (SCHEDULED SEND) Going out on correct day
  • (SCHEDULED SEND) Going to the correct list
  • (SCHEDULED SEND) Split testing has been conducted before sending to the larger list
  • (SCHEDULED SEND) If A/B split testing, correct test variable is optimized (time of day, list segment, subject line, CTA, etc.)
  • (LINKS) EVERY link has been checked in body text
  • (LINKS) EVERY link has been checked in header & goes to correct place
  • (LINKS) EVERY link has been clicked in CTA buttons and goes to correct place
  • (SOCIAL SHARING) Email has social share icons
  • (SOCIAL SHARING) Email has "forward to friend" link
  • (SOCIAL SHARING) Social sharing and "foward to friend" links work correctly
  • (CAN-SPAM) Contains client's physical mailing address
  • (CAN-SPAM) Contains working unsubscribe/opt-out link
  • (WEBINAR) Squeeze page and archived recording pages have been created and updated with correct content/forms
  • (CAN-SPAM) Valid "from" email address
  • (CAN-SPAM) Straightforward subject line
  • (CAN-SPAM) We have sent clients opt-outs from this email after it went out to update their databases
  • (LANDING PAGE) Body copy has been proofed by minimum 2 people
  • (LANDING PAGE) Body copy is free from typos/misspellings
  • (LANDING PAGE) EVERY link has been clicked on and works
  • (WEBINAR) Recording is in its full entirety and presentation materials work on landing page
  • (LANDING PAGE) Everything that should have a link has one
  • (LANDING PAGE) Correct header image, free from typos with correct info
  • (LANDING PAGE) CTA in header points to the correct place (either with anchor link or arrow on graphic to form immediately below)
  • (LANDING PAGE) Form has been tested and goes to the correct place after hitting "submit"
  • (LANDING PAGE) Anchor link in header/body copy works
  • (LANDING PAGE) "Register Now" anchor link works
  • (LANDING PAGE) CTA form is near top of page OR visible above the fold
  • (GENERAL) Test HTML message has been sent to AMC technical staff & account manager for review
  • (GENERAL) Test TEXT message has been sent to AMC technical staff & account manager for review
  • (GENERAL) Email renders correctly in Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, iPhone, Hotmail and Apple Mail
  • (GENERAL) Test email gets sent after EVERY change
  • (GENERAL) Link to view online version of email works
  • (GENERAL) Call to action is mentioned minimum 2 times in the email
  • (GENERAL) Spam test has been run (INSERT DATE & TIME)
  • (GENERAL) Everything is linked that should be linked in body copy, header, CTA buttons, etc.
  • (GENERAL) Alt image tags are on every graphic (for those with images turned off)
  • (FINAL REVIEW) Client has been sent email to review
  • (FINAL REVIEW) Client has been sent landing page to review
  • (FINAL REVIEW) Client approved email, landing page, send date & time
  • (FINAL REVIEW) Has been checked and reviewed one final time via phone by technical staff & account manager BEFORE hitting send