(owned by 60813)
April Client Newsletter (70 items)
Last updated: almost 12 years ago
To Do (2 left)
(BODY COPY) Information is accurate, targeted, relevant, timely
(BODY COPY) Copy is clear and concise
(BODY COPY) All relevant event/contact details and information have been included
(BODY COPY) Date, time, day, time zone are correct for all listed event(s)
(BODY COPY) Main call to action is clear and mentioned at least once
(BODY COPY) Free from all typos/misspellings
(BODY COPY) Been reviewed by minimum 2 people for grammar
(BODY COPY) First paragraph compels readers to read the second
(BODY COPY) Everything is linked that should be linked
(BODY COPY) EVERY link has been clicked
(BODY COPY) EVERY link works
(BODY COPY) EVERY link goes to the correct page
(BODY COPY) Signature matches “from” information
(BODY COPY) Name, title, company, phone, email in signature are correct
(WEBINAR) Date, time, day, time zone are listed and correct
(WEBINAR) Date, time, day, time zone match EVERYWHERE on the email AND associated landing page (header, CTA buttons, body copy, etc.)
(DYNAMIC CONTENT) Any personalization includes default ‘fall-back’ value for when personalized data is missing
(DYNAMIC CONTENT) Content codes fill in correctly
(DYNAMIC CONTENT) Check the {{V.CARD}} displays the proper name
(DYNAMIC CONTENT) Check the proper image displays per segment
(ADDRESS BAR) Going to correct list(s)
(ADDRESS BAR) "From" the correct person
(ADDRESS BAR) Correct "From" email address (no "info@acme.com" or "donotreply@acme.com")
(ADDRESS BAR) "From" name displays correctly in address bar (ie Jane Smith)
(SUBJECT LINE) No misspellings/typos
(SUBJECT LINE) Concise, compelling and straightforward
(SUBJECT LINE) Right length (5-8 words, 40 characters including spaces)
(SUBJECT LINE) Most important words are mentioned first
(SUBJECT LINE) Does not include any "spam" words, excessive capitalization, etc.
(SCHEDULED SEND) Going out at correct time
(SCHEDULED SEND) Going out on correct day
(SCHEDULED SEND) Going to the correct list
(SCHEDULED SEND) Split testing has been conducted before sending to the larger list
(SCHEDULED SEND) If A/B split testing, correct test variable is optimized (time of day, list segment, subject line, CTA, etc.)
(LINKS) EVERY link has been checked in body text
(LINKS) EVERY link has been checked in header & goes to correct place
(LINKS) EVERY link has been clicked in CTA buttons and goes to correct place
(SOCIAL SHARING) Email has social share icons
(SOCIAL SHARING) Email has "forward to friend" link
(SOCIAL SHARING) Social sharing and "foward to friend" links work correctly
(CAN-SPAM) Contains client's physical mailing address
(CAN-SPAM) Contains working unsubscribe/opt-out link
(WEBINAR) Squeeze page and archived recording pages have been created and updated with correct content/forms
(CAN-SPAM) Valid "from" email address
(CAN-SPAM) Straightforward subject line
(CAN-SPAM) We have sent clients opt-outs from this email after it went out to update their databases
(LANDING PAGE) Body copy has been proofed by minimum 2 people
(LANDING PAGE) Body copy is free from typos/misspellings
(LANDING PAGE) EVERY link has been clicked on and works
(WEBINAR) Recording is in its full entirety and presentation materials work on landing page
(LANDING PAGE) Everything that should have a link has one
(LANDING PAGE) Correct header image, free from typos with correct info
(LANDING PAGE) CTA in header points to the correct place (either with anchor link or arrow on graphic to form immediately below)
(LANDING PAGE) Form has been tested and goes to the correct place after hitting "submit"
(LANDING PAGE) Anchor link in header/body copy works
(LANDING PAGE) "Register Now" anchor link works
(LANDING PAGE) CTA form is near top of page OR visible above the fold
(GENERAL) Test HTML message has been sent to AMC technical staff & account manager for review
(GENERAL) Test TEXT message has been sent to AMC technical staff & account manager for review
(GENERAL) Email renders correctly in Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, iPhone, Hotmail and Apple Mail
(GENERAL) Test email gets sent after EVERY change
(GENERAL) Link to view online version of email works
(GENERAL) Call to action is mentioned minimum 2 times in the email
(GENERAL) Spam test has been run (INSERT DATE & TIME)
(GENERAL) Everything is linked that should be linked in body copy, header, CTA buttons, etc.
(GENERAL) Alt image tags are on every graphic (for those with images turned off)
(FINAL REVIEW) Client has been sent email to review
(FINAL REVIEW) Client has been sent landing page to review
(FINAL REVIEW) Client approved email, landing page, send date & time
(FINAL REVIEW) Has been checked and reviewed one final time via phone by technical staff & account manager BEFORE hitting send