Warriors, Whispers in the Dark: Rising Chaos - Chapter 1 Allegiances (43 items)

Last updated: over 11 years ago

To Do (43 left)

  • Leader:
  • Shalestar – a pale gray she-cat with yellow eyes
  • Deputy:
  • Splashflight – a diluted calico (pale orange, gray and white) with green eyes; apprentice, Lionpaw
  • Medicine Cat:
  • Lichenpool – a pale gray she-cat with green eyes
  • Elite Warriors:
  • Oakgaze – a dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
  • Goldenpetal – a dark golden she-cat with amber eyes
  • Thistleheart – a smoky gray she-cat
  • Nightbrair – a black tom with green eyes
  • Flamestrike – a dark ginger tom with amber eyes
  • Warriors:
  • Mudstripe – a brown tom with yellow eyes
  • Nightsong – a black she-cat with green eyes
  • Pebbletail - a grayish brown tom with white paws and blue eyes
  • Whitesplash – a white tom with brown tabby splashes
  • Russetclaw – a dark red she-cat with white toes
  • Rockfur – a gray tom with yellow eyes, rather plain; apprentice, Thrushpaw
  • Lightpelt – a white tom with green eyes; apprentice, Eaglepaw
  • Blackstep – a black she-cat with amber eyes
  • Windhawk – a gray she-cat with white paws and blue eyes
  • Pinestrike – a brown tom with darker markings
  • Springblossom – a silvery gray she-cat with green eyes (Named for a mountain spring, like spring water, not the season)
  • Dewspot – a dappled gray tom with green eyes; apprentice, Badgerpaw
  • Apprentices:
  • Heatherpaw – a golden brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
  • Thrushpaw – an energetic brown tom with white paws and yellow eyes
  • Badgerpaw – a broad shouldered black and white tom
  • Lionpaw – tawny gold she-cat with amber eyes
  • Eaglepaw – dark brown tabby she-cat with yellow-green eyes
  • Queens:
  • Silvercloud – a silvery gray she-cat with green eyes, she is the mother of Whitesplash's kits (Shadekit, Boulderkit, and Sleetkit).
  • Smokepetal – a pretty gray she-cat with yellow eyes, she is the mother of Dewspot's kits (Heronkit, and Cloudkit).
  • Kits:
  • Shadekit – a dark gray tom
  • Boulderkit – a white and gray tom
  • Frostkit – a light silver she-cat with green eyes, she sometimes looks almost white.
  • Heronkit – light gray tom with white paws and blue eyes
  • Cloudkit – white she-cat with gray tabby markings and yellow eyes
  • Elders:
  • Mousetail – a brown she-cat with amber eyes and a graying muzzle
  • Redstripe – a red tabby tom with a twisted jaw, deformed leg, and green eyes