(owned by 57600)
Things That Are Never Okay (122 items)
Last updated: about 12 years ago
To Do (122 left)
hiding a pack of cigs under a pillow pet
lip biting (and drawing blood) while making out
going anal
calling Jesus a terrorist
telling your girlfriend she can "lose a couple pounds"
telling your girlfriend she has "meat"
charmin commercials (there has been an entire ad campaign based around bears shitting on trees in the forrest. &we have all just stood by like, oh it’s a cartoon so it’s ok. NO IT’S NOT OK.)
tosa gang
asking for pictures while your girlfriend is at school
sending pictures in the first place
wearing khakis instead of your skirt
Mr. Mankowski having a hickey
hickeys. especially on the cheek
when your ego is bigger than your dick
rating girls by fingers
saying Shannon
telling other people what to do
asking Mr. Loucks how he met his wife
going on pornhub on other peoples phones
pornos at 3am on family channels
vodka & skittles
push-up bras
smileys with a c... :c
trying to finger someone while they're sleeping
talking about masturbating in public
talking about blow jobs in public
losing your bag of weed at george webbs
germain aupairs
asking for someone's wifi password to jack off. (omg wait until you're home)
group smoking sessions in classy restaurant's bathroom
running for fun
27 consecutive mobile uploads of you and your girlfriend posing in your kitchen. NO ONE FUCKING CARES.
armpit/midget/feet fetishes
getting mad at your girlfriend for being high when she's not
smoking acid ;)
getting drunk at your own house while your parents are home
sending dick pics when she didn't ask for them
asking your girlfriend if you can call her your bitch
smoking then making out with someone. no. stop.
wearing your hair down at the gym. or wearing makeup.
people who grunt loudly at the gym. are you giving birth? no? then shut the fuck up, you're making everyone uncomfortable
old ladies who walk around naked in the locker room
being 2 hours late and not answering the phone
telling your girlfriend she has holocaust ankles
when a target employee asks you for your number.
furry boots
bad subtweets, this isn't 3rd grade
cheating on your girlfriend and telling her on your 6th month anniversary
when your boyfriend's ass is bigger than yours
tweeting about your first date using the hashtag #IThinkHesTheOne.
when people with iPhones complain about their phones
nipple piercings
Hutch talking about how bad McDonalds is. We all know you eat it, sit down.
when someone yells at you for drinking and they're drunk the next time you see them
when people with cankles wear converse
The Orphan
just wearing a cami
crossing the street
the fat waitress at george webbs
wearing athletic shoes and skinny jeans
making detailed Facebook statuses about your weekend
calling people "babe" or "chonches"
seeing a movie by yourself (or being the 3rd wheel)
attractive guy, ugly girl
touching peoples faces
breaking up with someone via facebook
a guy making a girl cry
fish net leggings
people who take pictures with political signs
acting drunk when you're not
wearing the same outfit everyday
couples going at it in front of little kids
actually, couples going at it in front of anyone
telling a frenchie to move cause she's fat
American Apparel ads
writing a nice message on Facebook and going back on later, seeing he saw it but didn't respond
asking your kid if they're sleeping around
complaining that your "dick hurts" please, leave.
finding a condom wrapper in your basement but its not yours
people who eat french fries with forks
telling little kids santa isn't real
hanging up on your girlfriend
using the phrase 'work hard, play hard.' When you're 35. Or EVER.
phone sex. WTF.
being forced to say i love you back
buying drug rugs at school
sister linda swinging her bag so casually
making fun of and telling your friends about your girlfriend's problems
BOBS. #tomsforlife
talking about how hot other girls are in front of your girlfriend
asking to have a fling with your ex
any middle-aged man in a red sports car
faking illnesses
missing more than a week of school
telling your girlfriend she's a whore
flirting with girls that are way out of your league
when majority rules is broken
friends with benefits
telling people that someone is cyberbullying you because they had a tweet similar to yours.
when the temperature in your room is colder than outside
voice cracks
scented tampons
"tea is gross" so are you
watching a slideshow on STDs while listening to christmas music
hitting tumblr's post limit
pregnant people wearing tight clothes
wearing white skinny jeans (who said this was ok?)
guys who wear skinny jeans
rude waitresses. no tip for you. bitch.
adding RAP into RON POPE'S music
drunk at pick n save. theology teacher walks in.
drunk at mcdonalds. neighbor is working.
hooking up with someone during church