Bucket List: Live While I'm Young (54 items)

Last updated: over 10 years ago

To Do (54 left)

  • Visit all continents
  • Get a part of my body pierced
  • Get a tattoo
  • Meet someone popular
  • Skinny Dip
  • Date someone 10+ years older than me
  • Party till 10am
  • Travel alone
  • Ride a mototbike
  • Be on TV
  • Swim With A Dolphin
  • Tell someone the story of my life, my whole life
  • Kiss someone in the rain
  • Bungee Jump
  • Attend a TV Show
  • Plant A Tree
  • Fall In Love
  • Shower In a Waterfall
  • Spend a night in a haunted house
  • Go Camping
  • Run a marathon
  • Water Ski
  • Sleep underneath the real stars
  • Build a snowman
  • Build a sandcastle
  • Get my fortune told
  • Kiss a total stranger
  • Ride on the back of a truck
  • Smoke a joint
  • Don't speak for a whole day
  • Water Diet for 2 days
  • See the northern lights
  • Fly a kite
  • Be a vegan for a week
  • Donate blood
  • Go ziplining
  • Watch the ball drop in New York
  • Holla at a dude
  • Finish all my homework before the day it's due
  • Give "Free Hugs"
  • Ride A Horse
  • Drive a segway around town
  • Take a PERFECT picture
  • Do a successful hair flip
  • Acquire skill in a sport/instrument
  • Hold a baby lion/tiger
  • Visit all the wonders of the world
  • Perform in front of an audience
  • Get chickenpox
  • Throw a project x party
  • Learn to ride a bicycle
  • Force my way uninvited into a VIP party
  • Get chased by security/police
  • Go on a cruise