(owned by Kate)
Personal Goals (40 items)
Last updated: over 11 years ago
To Do (40 left)
Buy a Car
Save money for grad school
Get a passport
Prepare for trip to London
Prepare for trip to the beach
Save up and buy a car
Save up and buy a Mac
Teach English and Poetry classes
Teach piano lessons
Get a real job (administrative or teaching)
Apply for teaching jobs
Complete requirements for grad school
Decide how to pay for grad school
Apply to grad school
Learn French
Go to France
Go to New Zealand
Have a meaningful relationship
Get married
Have children
Teach my children
Write a children's book series
Write a Children's literature review blog
Find more opportunities to travel
Get on some private school sub lists
Inquire about grad school
Look for jobs in a school or working with kids
Travel with Compassion International
Get married at the beach
Honeymoon in Paris
Get closer to God
Make new friends and network
Be an encourager
Find ways to serve the kingdom here and now
Find meaning in every little thing
Write a encouraging blog
Design Mom and Dad a new blog for money making
Invest in a nice camera
Invest in a nice camera