Wedding Stuff To Do (17 items)

Last updated: over 11 years ago

To Do (17 left)

  • Call the phototographer
  • Order and assemble skeleton key party favors that double as place cards
  • Design and order invitations that we chose
  • Make signs for the wedding (seating signs etc.)
  • Make a kids area box for the wedding
  • Decide on decorations
  • Get Henzly and Keaton's outfits (as we get closer to the date)
  • Decide on which hotel we are staying at
  • Pay for honeymoon, flowers, DJ, photographer, wedding officiant,DIY tasks
  • Sign contract for DJ
  • Decide on the wedding cake and show it to Milleridge Inn
  • Change wedding flowers to go with watermelon color scheme
  • Divide up extra optional tasks amongst people who volunteer
  • Choose wedding rings with Ron
  • find a nondenominational wedding officiant
  • make a budget for all wedding extras
  • make a wedding seating chart (after RSVPs come in)