Jamie and Sally's - Stories Beat Stuff (34 items)

Last updated: about 11 years ago

To Do (4 left)

  • Book Trains in China
  • Chiang Mai accommodation
  • Auz bus and use STA travel vouchers 30 + 50
  • Camera
  • Phone contracts
  • RCVS subscriptions
  • To buy- bag covers, travel adapters, washing plug, travel washing powder, iodine tablets, malarone!
  • Malarone
  • Festivals and events
  • Combination padlocks
  • Chinese phrase books
  • Shopping - Sally's rucksack
  • Sally moving out - storeage
  • Travel guides buy Lonely Planet guide to China in May - not out till 17th!!
  • PDP
  • JW caxton second card.
  • Contact VDS
  • Vietnam visa
  • Book ENF
  • NZ camper van!!
  • Book flights around world - DONE!
  • Vaccinations - Jamie's appt on 3/4/13 at pm. Sally hep B?
  • Tourist Visas - China
  • Travel Insurance - Booked with STA. Done!
  • Draft budget
  • Credit cards and money
  • Weather patterns
  • Thailand visa?
  • Laos visa?
  • Cambodia visa?
  • Malaysia visa?
  • Oz visa?
  • NZ tourist visa
  • Book london leaving party