(owned by Amikiri)
Yaoi list >////< (9 items)
Last updated: about 12 years ago
To Do (9 left)
Junjou Romantica (give all these a chance if you want to because these are boy on boy so)
After School in The Teacher's Lounge (add blush here omg)
Boku no Pico (I put this one here to warn you, never watch this, never never never this is strong Shotacon, google it)
Pico x CoCo x Chico (Another warning, don't watch these)
Gakuen Heaven (so cute akshfdsf omg)
Hey! Class President (HELP I CANNOT THIS IS JUST *///*)
Loveless (this one is one of the most popular yaoi series it's really good tho! *o*)
Sensitive Pornograph (The name is pretty self explanatory but this one is so unf I can't, tho it may be strong if you haven't watched Yaoi before, watch Junjou Romantica or Gakuen Heaven)
Kyou kara Maou! (As promised, this one is Shounen-ai (soft Yaoi) It's so so cute I can't)