Yaoi list >////<  (9 items)

Last updated: almost 12 years ago

To Do (9 left)

  • Junjou Romantica (give all these a chance if you want to because these are boy on boy so)
  • After School in The Teacher's Lounge (add blush here omg)
  • Boku no Pico (I put this one here to warn you, never watch this, never never never this is strong Shotacon, google it)
  • Pico x CoCo x Chico (Another warning, don't watch these)
  • Gakuen Heaven (so cute akshfdsf omg)
  • Hey! Class President (HELP I CANNOT THIS IS JUST *///*)
  • Loveless (this one is one of the most popular yaoi series it's really good tho! *o*)
  • Sensitive Pornograph (The name is pretty self explanatory but this one is so unf I can't, tho it may be strong if you haven't watched Yaoi before, watch Junjou Romantica or Gakuen Heaven)
  • Kyou kara Maou! (As promised, this one is Shounen-ai (soft Yaoi) It's so so cute I can't)