(owned by Eric Brown)
Christys birthday check list (21 items)
Last updated: almost 12 years ago
To Do (21 left)
Happy birthday christy written in the chain link fence with Solo cups. (or just B-day, Birthday might take too long)
Bubble Machine
Espresso Machine?
Ponies, Horses?
Yard games
Psychic/Energy worker/palm reader/ tarot cards
the Poem guy from Pearl St, or our own variation
chocolate fountain?
Balloons, helium and animal balloon maker
pictures of christy to display/collage
face painting
water balloons (weather permitting)
any talent you have wanted to show case (comedy, juggling, singing)
Please bring your favorite dish to share
pin the tale on the donkey
song written for christy
make up your own yard game for us to play