Last Will and Testament (9 items)

Last updated: over 11 years ago

To Do (9 left)

  • To have been a joy to at least one person, no matter how brief.
  • To have been a joy to at least one person, no matter how brief.
  • To have white flowers at my funeral.
  • To have a wake of no more than three days and a service not more than an hour.
  • To be cremated with my drawings and writings.
  • To have my ashes scattered in a body of water where there's a clear view of the horizon.
  • To have my marker on something alive, such as a tree.
  • To be visited on my birth date instead of my death date.
  • To have my epitaph read “And if you should happen to remember it’s the anniversary of my birth, remember that you were loved by me, and that you made my life a happy one. And there is no tragedy in that.”