To do (18 items)

Last updated: over 11 years ago

To Do (18 left)

  • Complete Mass Effect 1-3
  • Complete Deus Ex Human Revolution via pacifist route
  • Complete Witcher 1 and 2
  • Complete Batman Arkham Asylum and City
  • Finish a Shogun 2 Campaign
  • Beat Kieran on Street fighter again
  • Complete GTA San Andreas
  • Finish watching 'The Wire'
  • Finish watching 'House of Cards'
  • Finish watching 'Rules of Engagement'
  • Finish watching all my downloaded films
  • Read 'Catcher in the Rye'
  • Read 'Great Gatsby'
  • Read 'Harry Potter Series'
  • Read 'Chronicles of Narnia'
  • Read 'Animal Farm'
  • Read 'Wind in the Willows'
  • Learn French