EchoClan (36 items)

Last updated: almost 12 years ago

To Do (36 left)

  • LEADER: Ashstar - very dark, smoky gray tabby tom with a few flecks of white near his cheeks and dark yellow eyes
  • DEPUTY: Cinderspots - longhaired, pure white she-cat with small, neat, dark gray spots rimmed in black, a black tail-tip and ear tips, dark gray stripes on her face, legs, and tail, and frosty blue eyes
  • MEDICINE CAT: Boulderfrost - large, scarred, light silver-gray tom with a few splashes of dark gray along his pelt and dark, fiery amber eyes; APPRENTICE, RAVENPAW
  • WARRIORS: Lightfoot - very light, cream-colored she-cat with a fluffy, snow-white chest, belly, and paws, and dark blue eyes; APPRENTICE, SHADOWPAW
  • Foxtail - lithe, dark ginger tom with a long, bushy tail, a white chest and tail-tip, and sharp yellow eyes
  • Brindlefern - pale brown she-cat with darker flecks, a white muzzle, and dark green eyes
  • Pantherstorm - jet-black tom with piercing yellow eyes and a long tail that slightly bends at the end
  • Tigerleap - dark brown tabby tom with a cream belly and muzzle, and dark, forest-green eyes; APPRENTICE, PEBBLEPAW
  • Waspflight - creamy-golden tabby tom with light green eyes, a white tail-tip and right forepaw, darker flecks of cream on his shoulders, neck, and cheeks
  • Whitebriar - scarred, spiky-furred, pure white she-cat with very dark amber eyes; APPRENTICE, KESTRELPAW
  • Lionstorm - scruffy looking, muscular, dark cream tom with tufted ears and green eyes
  • Orangefur - slender, light ginger she-cat with a cream belly, fluffy white paws, chest, and muzzle, a long, fluffy tail, barely visible tabby stripes, and green eyes; APPRENTICE, LITTLEPAW
  • Gorseblaze - golden-brown tabby tom with a white chest and blue eyes
  • Splotchheart - spiky-furred, black-and-orange she-cat with a white splash on her chest, a white muzzle, and light green eyes
  • Dewleaf - pale silver she-cat with a darker patch of fur next to her right ear and one on her back, white hind legs, left forepaw, and right front toes, and light amber eyes
  • Fawnnose - dusty-brown she-cat with a cream belly, a jet-black nose, a slightly stumpy tail, a white flecked back, and dark green eyes
  • Redfrost - reddish-brown tom with white paws, one white ear, a badly scarred flank and tail, one ear is missing, a crescent-shaped scar over one eye, and green eyes; APPRENTICE, SAGEPAW
  • Forestfang - large, dark, dusty-brown tabby tom with a white mask, a scarred pelt, and yellow eyes; APPRENTICE, FIREPAW
  • Brightpool - white she-cat with a few patches of light sandy-brown along her back, black-tipped ears and tail-tip, bright ginger patches all over her pelt, a pink nose, and very light, sky-blue eyes
  • APPRENTICES: Sagepaw - silver tom with a darker gray tail-tip, a white muzzle, and dark, deep blue eyes
  • Littlepaw - cream-colored tabby she-cat with a brown tail-tip and odd, dark blue eyes
  • Firepaw - ginger tom with a white muzzle, white flecks dotting his back, and dark, forest-green eyes
  • Shadowpaw - smoky gray (almost black) tabby tom with sharp yellow eyes
  • Pebblepaw - light, silver-gray tom with amber eyes, white paws, and a fluffy white chest
  • Ravenpaw - longhaired, black she-cat with green eyes
  • Kestrelpaw - light brown tabby she-cat with a white chest, paws, and tail-tip, a cream belly, and light, frosty blue eyes
  • QUEENS: Honeydapple - long-furred, golden-brown she-cat with small, darker brown spots on her back, neck, and flanks, a black-striped tail, face, and legs, a cream belly, and green eyes; expecting kits
  • Morningmist - golden-brown tabby she-cat with a fluffy, snow-white chest and belly, and warm amber eyes
  • Creekfrost - light silver she-cat with faint stripes, three white paws, muzzle, and tail-tip, and icy-blue eyes
  • KITS: Toadkit - white tom with black splotches all over his pelt and amber eyes
  • Aspenkit - golden-brown tabby she-kit with yellow-amber eyes
  • Eveningkit - dark, creamy-golden tom with a white chest, paws, and belly, and pale, icy-blue eyes
  • Wrenkit - dark, creamy-golden she-kit with faint stripes, a few smudges of dark, silver-gray, and light green eyes
  • Leafkit - dark, cream-colored she-kit with darker brown patches of fur, white flecks on her shoulders, white right front toes, and light green eyes
  • ELDERS: Pigeonfur - dusty-gray tom with darker smudges throughout his pelt, a black-tipped tail, white flecks on his muzzle, and amber eyes
  • Mallowleaf - elderly, smoky blue-gray she-cat with a few cream patches and yellow-green eyes