Chaos Agent Skeleton (12 items)

Last updated: over 11 years ago

To Do (12 left)

  • [2] The Agent of Mystery - Earth (2 Super, 2 1st Ed.)
  • [3] The Agent of Creation - Venus (3 Common, 3 1st Ed.)
  • [3] Mystical Shine Ball (3 Common, 3 1st Ed.)
  • [3] Master Hyperion (3 Ultra, 3 1st Ed.)
  • [1] Archlord Kristya (1 Super, 1 Limited Ed.)
  • [1] Honest (1 Ulta, 1 Limited Ed.)
  • [1] Herald of Orange Light (1 Common, 1 Unlimited Ed.)
  • [1] Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning (1 Secret, 1 Limited Ed.)
  • [1] Chaos Sorcerer (1 Common, 1 1st Ed.)
  • [1] Spirit Reaper (1 Common, 1 1st Ed.)
  • [1] Night Assailant (1 Common, 1 1st Ed.)
  • [1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness (1 Starfoil, 1 1st Ed.)