Pastoral Experience (27 items)

Last updated: almost 12 years ago

To Do (22 left)

  • Be briefed on and carefully consider the vision, mission, strategies and plans of the pastor and
  • Be briefed on and study the vision, mission, strategies and plans of the church. Discover how
  • Make two or more evangelistic presentations which include appeals of some sort.
  • Attend church meetings at all levels to learn the nuts and bolts of how churches function. If
  • If possible be the one to implement some decisions made at boards, meetings or committees.
  • Cooperate with the pastor and/or social committee to implement strategies aimed at nurturing
  • Help plan and implement two or more youth and/or children’s ministry activities.
  • Other related ministry activities or other details of a ministry described above.
  • Teach three or more stimulating Sabbath School classes including one children’s division class.
  • Preach at least two sermons that relate faith to the modern world.
  • Plan and conduct at least three prayer meetings or similar mid-week meetings.
  • Help to plan a communion service if possible.
  • Attend and, if possible, help to plan and participate in funerals, weddings, and other special
  • Other related ministry activities or other details of a ministry described above.
  • Interview the teachers, asking how pastors can partner with, support and encourage them.
  • Engage at least once in three or more of the following activities: speak at assemblies and
  • Other related ministry activities or other details of a ministry described above.
  • Visit extensively in the church foyer before and after Sabbath services.
  • Visit aged members, learning their interests and challenges.
  • Lead at least six visits of members in their homes and in the hospital.
  • Visit two inactive and former Adventists if possible and at the discretion of the mentor pastor
  • Lead at least four visits of prospective members.
  • Spend time with unchurched people in their settings “evangelizing.”
  • Lead out in two or more Bible studies.
  • Follow up media (IIW, VOP, QH and etc.) leads.
  • Other related ministry activities or other details of a ministry described above.
  • After meeting with your mentor pastor, fill in this section.