Books for Jessica (17 items)

Last updated: about 11 years ago

To Do (17 left)

  • William Blake - Songs of Innocence and of Experience
  • Arthur Rimbaud - A Season in Hell, Illuminations
  • Vincent van Gogh - Letters
  • Vladimir Nabokov - Speak, Memory
  • J D Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye, Franny and Zooey
  • J - P Sartre - Nausea
  • Bukowski - Post Office, Ham On Rye, short stories
  • Henry Miller - Tropics trilogy
  • Romain Gary - Promise at Dawn, short stories
  • Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums
  • Knut Hamsun - Hunger
  • L - F Celine - Journey to the End of the Night
  • Sergei Dovlatov - short stories
  • Pessoa, Rilke, Lorca, Elouard, Jimenez - poems
  • C G Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflections
  • Wiwekananda - Lectures on Yoga
  • Bhagavad Gita, Dhammapada, Sutta Nipata