Common (12 items)

Last updated: about 11 years ago

To Do (12 left)

  • Implement the New Scroll bar to whole layouts. (Including the horizontal table scroller)
  • Toggle Button new UI (tdreyno-iphone-style-checkboxes)
  • Apply the new styled left menu to "MASTER DATA" screens.
  • All Table Paginations: Selected "1" width deferent with other unselected.
  • Expand and Collapse needs to implement to all necessary screens.
  • All icons(ex: Edit, Delete, Confirm, Cancel) inside of the table/grid need to have a "tooltip" with description.
  • All Combo-box's result width should be equal to combo-box width.
  • For all tables with the Check Boxes Column: Check boxes should be align center.
  • Reduce the gap between "Data Table" and the "Entries Count" in the all data pages.
  • All icons, which used in the styled color buttons should be align vertical and horizontal.
  • Replace the current mandatory field with the new style which introduced in the last week. (NOTE: The current style, which using now only for the ERROR fields.)
  • Fine tune the Expand and Collapse animation.