Dom's 18th Birthday (20 items)

Last updated: about 11 years ago

To Do (20 left)

  • Food by Anna
  • For the cake, I think we can help Victoria bake Dom's favorite! (It'd be FUN!)
  • Tank-shaped pinata from WalMart
  • green streamers (dark)
  • green streamers (light)
  • tan/yellow streamers
  • camo balloons?
  • dark green balloons
  • light green balloons
  • tan balloons
  • party hats
  • music
  • candy for the pinyata
  • MRE's or something to the like.
  • Grenade decor.
  • Smoke machine?! (That'd be sooo cool.)
  • Sandwiches---Jimmy Johns?
  • GREEN MILKSHAKES. (Alright, sorry. I'm a little odd... Haha)
  • Chocolate covered honeycomb (my addiction besides T's)
  • My fake horses from the attic (Imma need help getting them down from there, if anyone wants to help me out! I can't go up there because of my extreme arachnephobia and my allergies!)