Life & Crimes of Vinzer Flinn (50 items)

Last updated: about 11 years ago

To Do (50 left)

  • 1. Piracy - Attacking luxury yachts of people trying to have cyber sex.
  • 2. Terrorism - Blowing up Imperial bunkers during Base Wars.
  • 3. Sedition - Putting up Wedge Antilles posters in Coronet.
  • 4. Kidnapping - Lured noobs onto ship to gun for no pay.
  • 5. False Imprisonment - Exploited housing bug to trap people on a balcony.
  • 6. Assault - One shot snipering low levels.
  • 7. Uttering Threats - Threatened to cut head off new guildmate and bury him in desert.
  • 8. Impersonating Royalty - Pretended to be Emir.
  • 9. Impersonating a Jedi - Dressed in robe, infiltrated Jedi Assembly.
  • 10. Impersonating Deity - Posed as Raiden at local combat tournament.
  • 11. Impersonating Imperial Officer - Faked credentials in order to obtain Actis Interceptor starfighter.
  • 12. Voyeurism - Watching people have virtual sex while stealth cloaked.
  • 13. Conspiracy to Commit Voyeurism - Planned ahead of time with Kazer and Shakakkaa.
  • 14. Public Mischief - Tricking noobs into storming into a broom closet, into a live electrical field and pushing escape pod button.
  • 15. Possession of Stolen Property - Mandalorian parts from questionable sources.
  • 16. Cashing Counterfeit Check - Written by Kazer Kal'raken.
  • 17. Building without Permit - Erected buildings and statues in player city without permission.
  • 18. Building Code Violations - Building houses too close together.
  • 19. Environmental Pollution - Drove speeders and swoops through waterways.
  • 20. GuildWar Conduct Violation - Turned war off and on purely to annoy enemy guild.
  • 21. Fraud - Numerous unpaid debts to guild mates.
  • 22. Theft - Removing items from player houses.
  • 23. Slander - Spreading false rumours about other players, mostly Jedi shitheads.
  • 24. Exceeding Docking Speed - Every landing at Desert Sands Station, Tatooine.
  • 25. Vandalism - Posting "50 Wewikk Heads" on guildmate's poem in forum.
  • 26. Public Indecency - Teabagged Angel while she was AFK.
  • 27. Promoting Racial Segregation - Built wall in Red Rock to keep Mon Calimaris out.
  • 28. Propositioning a Prostitute - This was mostly Ithius's fault.
  • 29. Embezzlement - Illegally obtained credits from player city fund.
  • 30. Trespassing - Citybanned from Jedi player city for dance party in City Hall and stealing a chair.
  • 31. Insubordination - Propositioned Leia Organa during award ceremony in Coronet while enlisted in Alliance.
  • 32. Conduct Unbecoming an Officer - Affair with Captain Voldez at Restuss Outpost.
  • 33. Bounty Code of Conduct Violation - Killing marks while they had cloning sickness.
  • 34. Disturbing the Peace - Physically thrown out of in-game wedding for refusing to wear dress robe.
  • 35. Fishing Without Permit - Lok, Yavin, Endor, Tatooine.
  • 36. Serving Food & Drink without Permit - Teaparty outside Hostel Bant's house.
  • 37. Harassment - Teaparty outside Hostel Bant's house.
  • 38. Public Nudity - Numerous incidents in Mos Eisley.
  • 39. Lewd Conduct - Participated in public sexual acts with guildmates during Second Life visit.
  • 40. Failure to Pay Child Support - Clone daughter.
  • 41. Sheltering a Wanted Imperial Fugitive - Clone daughter.
  • 42. Failure to Obey Laws of Physics - Phased through starport wall.
  • 43. Promoting Gambling - Played craps in Mos Eisley street.
  • 44. Copyright Violation - Playing pirated music on guild radio station.
  • 45. Election Tampering - Told new recruit he could run for leader postion knowing he already had 499 out of 500 votes.
  • 46. Camping without a Permit - Deploying camps on multiple worlds, flattening natural habitat.
  • 47. Littering - Threw bottles at pedestrians from Mustafar lava skiff with Kazer.
  • 48. Loitering - Standing around outside cantina for days on end.
  • 49. Bullying - Making fun of people who refused to cross Restuss pvp line from the safety of a big group.
  • 50. Destruction of Property - Blowing up swoop bikes from stealth in Restuss purely for the laughs.