Summer Bucketlist 2013 (50 items)

Last updated: about 11 years ago

To Do (50 left)

  • Watch Wicked on Broadway!
  • Have an all-girls night with all of my friends a week before school starts!
  • Have a really girly sleepover!
  • Write a message in a bottle and throw it in the ocean!
  • Go to a bonfire!
  • Paint a really big picture on canvas!
  • Go to a new place!
  • Have a paint fight!
  • Make a Summer playlist!
  • Spend a day in New York!
  • Go to Six Flags with my friends!
  • Water fight!
  • Dance in the rain!
  • Day dedicated to your best friend!
  • Romance movie marathon!
  • Make a galaxy shirt!
  • Go to a concert!
  • NOT fail at rainbow cupcakes!
  • Start a wish tree!
  • Watch a sunrise or sunset!
  • Start and finish a Wreck This Journal!
  • Go to a drive-in movie theater!
  • Watch the stars!
  • Have a bonfire and burn something from my least favorite school subject
  • Play messy twister!
  • Watch Lilo and Stitch!
  • Throwback week! (Watch old TV shows and movies, play kid games- tag, pin the tail on the donkey, etc.)
  • Learn a song on the piano!
  • Go to Lime Acres!
  • Be playful!
  • Learn to be a good poet!
  • Tie a note onto a balloon and release!
  • Wrap my headphones in string!
  • Go to a midnight premiere!
  • Adopt pet rocks!
  • Play dry, dry, wet!
  • Learn a song in ASL!
  • Watch the Titanic!
  • Write group letters in invisible ink!
  • Make mini penguins! ( )
  • Learn to sing AMAZINGLY!
  • Take a picture of everything I do on this list!
  • Build THE MOST AMAZING blanket fort to exist ever!!
  • Make a serious attempt at doubledutch!
  • Write an awesome song!
  • Have a silly string fight and glow party!
  • Make mini poptarts! ( )
  • Keep a summer journal!
  • Have a spa night!