CEFR A1 (32 items)

Last updated: about 11 years ago

To Do (32 left)

  • Je me presante et je m'exprime
  • I can briefly describe me and my family
  • I can describe where I live
  • I can understand basic questions about myself and my family
  • I can say what I like and what I don't like
  • I can ask for something I need
  • I can talk about my health
  • I can express my basic needs
  • I can use basic greetings and expressions
  • I can ask questions about others and their families
  • I can ask simple questions about others' needs
  • I can introduce others
  • I can ask for directions
  • I can give directions
  • I can make simple purchases
  • I can get by with numbers, quantities and money
  • I can ask others about their preferences
  • I can ask others how they are feeling
  • I can offer someone something
  • I can say when I don't understand
  • I can answer quesitons on simple topics
  • I can play simple word games
  • I can understand others' simple instructions
  • I can recognize important words in a story or song
  • I can act out the meaning of sentences
  • I can sing a song
  • I can say the alphabet
  • I can sing a song
  • I can say the time and expression of time
  • I can count
  • I can sy the month, days of the week
  • Can understand very short, simple texts a single phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words