Things To Do When Your Bored (125 items)

Last updated: about 11 years ago

To Do (125 left)

  • Make a talk show about food or guys or even fashion!
  • Play the fun foods game! Take some sweet ingredients and mix them all together! Eat it if it tastes good or not!
  • Make up a song or write a book
  • Email a company like BOBS that has been getting on your nerves
  • Make a quiz for free, email it to your friends, and take it yourself!
  • Blackmail your friend or sibling! YEP YOU HEARD ME!
  • Make prank calls! Be careful do it with people who will get it because people can stalk you for it!
  • Make up some dance moves to go with your fav song!
  • Email some super stars producer or something and see if you can actually talk to them!
  • Watch a new Tv show!
  • READ!
  • Prank someone! Google some great pranks!
  • Make lists like this one!
  • Email lists like this to your friends
  • See if you can catch a fly or a moth with chopsticks!
  • Go to a new restraunt
  • Look for typos in lists like this!
  • Make up a new language
  • plastic wrap someones bed if they leave for something like camp! You can also plastic wrap or tp or even tinfoil their room!
  • Make up a name for everyone
  • Come up with a nickname for you and everyone you know!
  • Doodle! ANYTHING!
  • Wash your dog
  • Give yourself a new hairstyle!
  • Learn a new game
  • Make up a new game!
  • Email random people!
  • Take some quizzes like personality quizzes!
  • Hang out with some different group of people today
  • Draw yourself a temporary tattoo!
  • Make your own t-shirt design!
  • Invite someone over for a sleepover!
  • Pretend to go camping!
  • give yourself a clown makeover
  • Start a war against cats or pants!
  • Make fun of a annoying famous person ex: Justin beiber
  • Draw all over a magazine
  • Hug 100 strangers- this is LaHu's idea NOT MINE
  • Spend 100 straight minutes learning a new song on an instrument of your choice
  • Eat as many gummy bears or any other candy as you can before you throw up
  • Collect 100 unwanted but useful things from people, sell them on eBay, and donate the cash
  • Make a band
  • Earn money in any way maybe by making a band and donate the money to homeless people or anything else
  • Make cookies
  • eat a food you hate
  • Eat a spoonful of cinnamon and try not to throw up or spit it out
  • Email me or let me edit your list mainly because I am bored;
  • X out random things on lists like this
  • Go up to round people (fat sounds rude) And congratulate them for there new child (extra points if its a man)
  • Go up to a stranger and tell them how nice they are
  • Compliment a women on her feet and losing 5 pounds
  • Walk up to a stranger and say : I will pray for you!
  • Make everyday a holiday
  • Go to a store and start screaming at a cereal box
  • Go to a mall and take a lot of stuff to a check out desk and ask the clerk to put them back because you no longer want them
  • Go to a resteraunt and listen to a conversation suddenly join in like: You should totally tell her!
  • Learn a new language
  • prepare for the zombie apocalypse
  • Get a tan
  • Hold up a sign that says ITS THE END!
  • Call a friend and tell them you got married or got glasses and wait for them to get excited and say meet you at the wedding in blah blah bllah and hang up
  • Tell your enemy that you can see their underwear
  • Make up some weird jokes and make sure your friends laugh at them around total strangers
  • Talk backwards for a day
  • Walk backwards for a day
  • Ask people for money
  • Keep adding on random things to lists like this
  • Ask your friend who they are
  • Pretend your teacher is invisible
  • If you see a teacher or princibal outside of school act like you don't know them
  • Sew buttons onto your shirt
  • draw on your jeans and trick people into protesting against water
  • Make people sign random protests
  • Play a instroment and sing really off tune
  • cut your own hair AND DON'T BLAME ME IF IT TURNED OUT BAD
  • Play the guess what I am eating game
  • Do trust exercises with your friends and enemies
  • Make up weird quotes
  • Dress up\
  • Dress up
  • Make signs for your door
  • Make laws for your house/room
  • Post home videos on you tube and see if your "discovered"
  • Eat a can of anchovies
  • Make your own shoes and wear them in public
  • Have a type war and see who can type the most and have the most recent list
  • challenge people to a duel
  • Tell people your thinking of a number between 5 and 1000000000000000
  • Hold someone captive in your hamper
  • Play patty cake (extra points if you hit your friend in the face) while in public and wearing a t-shirt that says I am weird
  • Try to make a new color
  • Teach yourself magic bum bum BUM
  • Make up a spell (no I don't believe in magic)
  • Enroll in Hogwarts and see if the letter comes back
  • Try to get a unicorn hunter license
  • Name all the blades of grass in your yard differently
  • Watch paint dry
  • Kiss someone
  • Walk up to a stranger and tell them how you always missed them
  • Lay on a sidewalk in a public place and pretend to be dead
  • Tell riddles that make no sense
  • Eat food you find in your pantry
  • Organize your fridge
  • Eat cold pizza
  • Make pizza
  • Make yourself breakfast in bed
  • Vandalize your brother/sisters clothes and blame it on soemone else
  • Pretend you broke you leg
  • Draw out the plan incase of the apocalypse
  • Use 100 cheesy pick up lines
  • Do a good deed every day'
  • Make up a story about a hobo and try to get it published
  • Go swimming
  • Make friends
  • Make a comic
  • illistrate pictures for poems or books
  • Take art lessons
  • Be a horror to man kind
  • Come up with 50 reasons not to commit suicide
  • Play connect the dots with your freckles
  • Play minecraft
  • Love this list!
  • Propose to a imaginary baloney king!
  • hang out with ur bffs