Fears (64 items)

Last updated: almost 11 years ago

To Do (64 left)

  • Pain
  • Being Afraid
  • The Dark
  • Dolls
  • Mirrors
  • The Supernatural
  • Being Embarrassed
  • Being Alone
  • Drowning
  • Choking
  • Dying
  • Disability
  • Surgery
  • Poverty
  • Clowns
  • Sharks
  • Growing Up
  • Extreme Temperatures
  • Abandoned Buildings
  • Statues
  • Windows
  • Cemeteries
  • Falling Asleep
  • Stringy Food
  • Ghosts
  • Someone Watching Me
  • The Undead
  • Jumpscares
  • The Unknown
  • Sleep Paralysis
  • Burglary or Something Bad Happening While I'm in the House
  • Throwing Up
  • Horror Movies
  • The Future
  • Criminals
  • Time
  • Giving Birth
  • Pregnancy
  • Process of Babymaking
  • Old Men
  • Being Abandoned
  • Being Stranded
  • WILD Dreaming
  • My Internet Friends Leaving Me
  • Public Speaking
  • The Future of Humanity
  • Technology
  • Grimdarks
  • Failing
  • Haunted Things
  • Shadows
  • Those I Love Dying
  • Creationism
  • Plane Crashes
  • Terminal Illness
  • Illness in General
  • Man Conquering Space
  • Being Yelled At
  • Becoming Overweight
  • Not Being Alone
  • Hallucinating Frightening Things
  • Being Stalked
  • The EAS
  • Nightmares