(owned by My Dreams)
DreamList (21 items)
Last updated: over 11 years ago
To Do (21 left)
Wardrobe Change every 6 months
My own Louis Vuitton / Burberry complete accessory set.
Retire and travel around the world @ 40
Stay at Vegas for a month. Casino on the house ;)
Get married at my native's. Expenses for all paid.
Take care of Maternal Grandmother's expenses
Gift Maternal Grandmother her own House
Provide uncle with the best of medical facilities
Take care of both my cousin's education & marriage expenses
Annual international trip with my best buddies - all expenses paid by me
Own private Chopper - the one with YRF
A small fully automated house at a large private beach
7 back to back Bhagwad Gita for Grandmother across the religious places in India
Gift Mom & Dad all expenses paid international holidays - every year
Sponsor one new enterpruner every year
Start my own Educational Institute at my home town.
Start my own Hospital at my home town
Never use the same car for more than a year
Have a private wardrobe of perfumes & watches from across the world
Possess rare collectibles like Paintings, Books, Music Albums every year
Sponsor 1100 marriages for poor rural girls every year across India